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    Take a 3D tour of the RTI!

RNA Therapeutics Institute Facilities and Resources

The RNA Therapeutics Institute (RTI) is housed in the recently built 520,000 sq ft Albert Sherman Center.  The program houses numerous departmental equipment centrally located and available to all RTI faculty. 

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3D RTI Facility Tour

Take a tour of the RTI virtually. For any questions regarding the RTI equipment or facilities please contact Hongyan Wang, Manager of Operations.

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Funding Opportunities & Grant Procedures

Funding opportunities and grant information for postdocs & students.

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RTI Trainee Resources

Financial wellbeing and mental health resources as well as career development resources.

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RTI Facilities & Equipment

For any questions regarding the RTI equipment or facilities please contact Hongyan Wang, Manager of Operations.


UMass Chan Research Core Facilities

The UMass Chan Research Core Facilities are shared resources available to all internal investigators and offer a wide range of services including cutting edge technologies, high-end instrumentation and technical support for basic, translational and clinical research. 

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UMass Chan Resources for Title IX & Positive Learning

UMass Chan and the RTI are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment free of intimidation, harassment and sexual misconduct, including relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. Such conduct is prohibited by federal law (Title IX) and UMass Chan. In addition, creating a Positive Learning Environment for every learner on campus is a top priority. See Title IX reporting flyer.

Title IX
   Learner Mistreatment

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Outreach Opportunities

Get involved with ScienceLIVE, the RTI's STEM educational outreach program for Worcester Public Schools. We provide opportunities for students to engage with our diverse postdoctoral and graduate student trainees through interactive, exciting virtual and hands-on STEM activities.

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RNA Tools & Databases

A listing and links of frequently used (on-and off-campus) web tools, bioinformatics databases, and most frequently used on-campus core facilities.

Welcome to the RNA Therapeutics Institute