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Emilie Armenti, RN, CDCES

Type 1 Diabetes Success Story

Living with diabetes and treating children with T1D

Emilie was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) at 13 months old, so she’s never known life without it. Today, she’s works for Tandem Diabetes Care helping patients learn their new insulin pumps.  For five years she was a pediatric nurse and certified diabetes care and education specialist (CDCES) at the UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence pediatric care team. In the Fall of 2023 she started a new role with Tandem Diabetes as a clinical product trainer, helping people to get started on insulin pump therapy.

Her first memories of living with diabetes are from first grade when she would go to the nurse's office multiple times during the school day for blood sugar checks. “Meters have come a long way,” she said. “Today’s needles are smaller and less invasive, and meters require less blood.” Emilie also remembers when the “new” fast acting mealtime and basal insulins first hit the market after years of NPH and regular insulin.    

Diabetes burnout

After using syringes and eventually pens for her multiple daily insulin injections for 13 years, she decided to switch to an insulin pump.  At age 17, Emilie experienced diabetes burnout. “I can relate to patients who go through it since mine lasted until I turned 20,” she recalls. “I was a teenager who was frustrated with diabetes, tired of testing blood sugars, counting carbs, and wearing a pump.”  Regrettably, she neglected her treatment plan and did many of the things she would eventually help young people living with diabetes avoid. 

“I’m very lucky that my three years of rebellion and non-compliance did not do long-term damage,” she said. “My A1c rose to above 12% and I started to develop non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy.  Luckily for me, with improved glucose control my retinopathy resolved and did not progress.” 

Many people who neglect their diabetes care are not so lucky. Uncontrolled blood sugars often lead to serious health complications later in life, including loss of eyesight, kidney failure, heart disease, strokes and/or foot problems, which may result in amputation. It’s important to provide accurate information to your diabetes care team so they can suggest necessary adjustments to keep you healthy.

Emilie understands how fortunate she was to avoid complications despite a few years of uncontrolled blood sugar. She has witnessed many people who haven't been so lucky, and wants to stress the importance of keeping your blood sugars within target range.

“I’ve heard every trick in the book and sorry to say have used many of them myself when I was a kid.” 

When she was growing up, blood glucose meters did not collect data. "We had to write our numbers on a paper log. Many young people come to the clinic who ‘forget’ to bring their meter to appointments so the care team cannot download their blood sugar data.”  

During Emilie’s diabetic burnout period, she took a “pump break” and instead opted for manual injections and finger sticks. “That way there was no record of my numbers and no accountability.”

Taking control

At 19 years old, Emilie transitioned from pediatric diabetes care to adult care at the UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence (DCOE) with an A1c above 12%. She eventually lowered it to below 6% and credits nurse practitioner Nancy Sidhom and endocrinologist Dr. Leslie Domalik. 

“Nancy let me have it,” Emilie said with a smile. “She was very blunt with me about what happens to people who don’t take control and properly manage their diabetes.”  

“Dr. Domalik is excellent,” Emilie raved. "She set reasonable goals during my first few office visits and instead of focusing on the A1c, she helped me with small steps to improve glucose control. She didn’t lecture me, but instead spoke in a way that connected.”  Within a couple of years, utilizing what she learned from Nancy and Dr. Domalik, Emilie’s A1c dropped below 6%.

“My last A1c was 5.6% and it’s remained below 7% for several years!”

Becoming a nurse  

After graduating from a vocational high school, Emilie earned her nursing degree at Worcester State University. Working at a nursing home, followed by an endocrinology office, then a diabetes research center, she finally achieved her goal of working as a nurse in the UMass Memorial diabetes clinic.  “I came full circle.” 

"I’ve been coming here for treatment since I was a little girl, so now working here and helping other children and young adults is extremely rewarding.”

Best part of being a diabetes nurse 

“Helping people make positive changes, no matter how small”
Emilie points out that it’s scary how some people living with diabetes don’t test their blood sugars. Therefore, getting someone like that to begin to test even once daily is a win.

“Convincing someone to use a CGM”  
She feels continuous glucose monitors help people pay closer attention to their diabetes management, and she finds it rewarding when they finally agree to try one and see positive results.

“Relating to patients”
Older teens and college students felt a connection to nurse Emilie since they knew she has lived with T1D. Younger teens and elementary school children looked up to her as a role model. She enjoys the challenge of getting people to invest in their health and she takes pride in helping them achieve success.

Emilie's advice to families

  • Contact your care team between appointments during any difficult times. Don’t hesitate to call or message using the MyChart app or website.
  • Come to appointments prepared with questions…and bring your meter!
  • Always tell your care team if there’s something you feel would make your diabetes management easier. 
  • Set realistic goals. Small steps are less overwhelming and lead to pride, confidence, self-esteem, then eventually can snowball to greater successes and positive outcomes.    

About Emilie

- Emilie became a Mom for the first time in 2021
- Pets: Two dogs and two cats
- Favorite TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy
- Favorite Restaurant: Baba Sushi
- Pet Peeve: Misspellings
- Favorite New England Location: Fenway Park
- Favorite Band: Zac Brown Band
- Other Passions: Travel, Reading, Patriots, Bruins & Red Sox
- Favorite Athlete: Tom Brady

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