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World-Class Research, Quality Patient Care and a Leading Medical School

The ultimate goal of the UMass Diabetes Center of Excellence is a world without diabetes. Led by a pair of globally renowned diabetes experts in David Harlan, MD and Dale Greiner, PhD, our strategic plan and impressive collaborations places us among the top diabetes research and patient care institutions in the world.


Cutting-Edge Diabetes Research and Collaborations

What sets our research team apart is that we study human tissues and cells, to reconstruct diabetes in living immune systems, using our unique “humanized” mice. Our internationally respected basic research scientists collaborate to investigate the root causes of diabetes, and apply that knowledge to develop therapies to improve the quality of life for people living with the disease. Our clinical research drives our therapies, providing the best available treatment, to improve the lives of all people living with diabetes.

Investigating the root causes of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes to develop therapies for improving the quality of life for people living with the disease. 

 "We believe all people with diabetes deserve comprehensive, individualized care.  They're the most important member of their care team, so we work with them, providing effective treatments and education. The discoveries made by our scientists are bringing us closer to understanding the root causes of diabetes, preventing the disease for people at risk, and ultimately a cure."

- David Harlan, MD, co-director of the UMass Chan Diabetes Center of Excellence

A Team Approach to Comprehensive Diabetes Care

Our care team provides an individualized patient-centered approach. The person with diabetes plays an important role in their own care. Endocrinologists, nurse practitioners, certified diabetes educators, nutritionists, behavioral psychologists, diabetes eye care specialists and other specialists work together to offer the most current and effective treatments and resources. 

Medical Education and Training

UMass Chan Medical School ranks among the top 10% nationwide in primary care according to the annual U.S. News & World Report rankings of the best graduate schools in the country. The report also ranks us as one of the top research institutions, preparing the next generation of diabetes experts to responsibly and effectively treat the disease and conduct research to investigate the causes of diabetes. Our work remains at the forefront of innovative educational initiatives as we train physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and diabetes educators.

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