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RNA Collaborative Seminar Series


Current RNA Collaborative participating centers include: Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute (ARRTI)Cambridge RNA ClubEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)Groupe de Recherche RNAHarvard Medical School Initiative for RNA MedicineHelmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection ResearchInstitute of Molecular Biology (IMB)Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)MD Anderson Center for RNA Interference and Non-Coding RNAsNCI RNA Biology Initiative, NUS-CSI Singapore RNA Biology Center, Penn Institute for RNA InnovationRiboClub SherbrookeRNA MaxiGroup, University of Wisconsin-MadisonRNA Research Centre in Poznan, Shanghai RNA Club, The Bay Area RNA Club (BARC)The RNA Institute, University At AlbanyUCSC Center for Molecular Biology of RNAUMass Chan Medical School, RNA Therapeutics InstituteUniversity of Michigan Center for RNA BiomedicineUniversity of North Carolina RNA Research GroupOhio State UniversityUniversity of Rochester Center for RNA BiologyUniversity of Science & Technology of China (USTC) RNA InstituteYale Center for RNA Science and Medicine and Zhejiang University (ZJU) Center for RNA Medicine


Seminars are held virtually every other Wednesday, at either 9:00 am ET (1:00 pm GMT) or 4:00 pm ET (8:00 pm GMT) depending on the host institution and are recorded and made freely available for viewing on the RNA Collaborative YouTube Channel. Seminars are open for viewing by all interested researchers, but prior registration is required to access the streaming content.

Upcoming Seminars

November 20, 2024, 10 AM ET  The RNA Institute, SUNY University at Albany
Speaker Shenglong Zhang" Empowering Mass Spectrometry for De Novo Unbiased Sequencing of RNA Modifications"
Speaker Sweta Vangaveti" Elucidating the influence of RNA modifications and Magnesium ions on tRNAPhe conformational dynamics using Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
Moderator: Andy Berglund
Zoom Registration link:

December 4, 2024, 4 PM ET RiboClub Sherbrooke
Speaker Pending, "Pending"
Speaker Pending, "Pending"
Moderator: Pending
Zoom Registration link:

December 18, 2024, 4 PM ET  NCI RNA Biology Initiative
Speaker Pending, "Pending"
Speaker Pending, "Pending"
Moderator: Pending
Zoom Registration link:

Previous Seminars

October 23, 2024, 10 AM ET  The OSU Center for RNA Biology
Speaker Wen Tang, “Mechanisms of piRNA Production and Degradation"
Speaker Gina Nostramo, "FitRNAs for duty: Free introns of tRNAs as complementarity-dependent regulators of gene expression"
Moderator: Julia Warrick

October 9, 2024, 10 AM ET  NUS-CSI Singapore RNA Biology Center
Speaker Wei Jiangbo, Ph.D., FTO-LINE1 RNA axis in mESCs and mouse development
Speaker Guo Huili, Ph.D., " ROS-induced translational regulation—through spatiotemporal differences in codon recognition—is a key driver of brown adipogenesis"
Moderator: Anthony Khong, Ph.D.

September 25, 2024, 10 AM ET  RNA Research Centre in Poznań
Speaker Anna Baud, Ph.D., IGF2BPs directly regulate non-canonical translation of toxic proteins from mutant FMR1 mRNA containing expanded CGG repeats
Speaker Monika Piwecka, Ph.D., " Interrogation of RNA-Bound Proteome with XRNAX Illuminates Molecular Alterations in the Mouse Brain Affected with Dysmyelination"
Moderator: Dawid Bielewicz

September 11, 2024, 10 AM ET  Groupement de Recherche (GDR) RNA
Speaker Carine Tisné, Ph.D., Structural basis of human mitochondrial tRNA maturation
Speaker Sébastien Campagne, Ph.D., "Pending"
Moderator: Marc Graille, Ph.D.

August 28, 2024, 4 PM ET UCSC Center for Molecular Biology of RNA
Speaker Upasna Sharma, Sperm Small RNA-mediated Intergenerational Depigenetic Inheritance
Speaker Daniel Kim, Ph.D., "Non-Invasive Insights into Health and Disease via Extracellular RNA"
Moderator: Harry Noller, Director

August 14, 2024, 4 PM ET MD Anderson Center for RNA Interference and Non-Coding RNAs
Speaker Pending, Pending
Speaker Pending, "Pending"
Moderator: Pending

July 31, 2024, 10 AM ET Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB)
Speaker Miona Corovicm6A sites in the coding region trigger translation-dependent mRNA decay
Speaker Ann-Sophie Seistrup"Investigating the Distinctions of Worm-Specific Argonautes in the Germline of Caenorhabditis elegans"
Moderator: Joao Marques

July 17, 2024, 10 AM ET Shanghai RNA Club
Speaker Yi Yang, Ph.D., Imaging RNA dynamics with bright and stable fluorescent RNAs
Speaker Qiang Liu, Ph.D., "Pending"
Moderator: Chao-Po Lin, Ph.D.

July 3, 2024, 10 AM ET Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI)
Speaker Jörg Vogel, Ph.D. The promise and challenge of programmable RNA antibiotics
Speaker Pending, "Title Pending"
Moderator: Pending

June 19, 2024, 10 AM ET RNA initiative at the Italian Institute of Technology (iRNA@IIT)
Speaker Mariangela Morlando, PhD A novel role of non-coding RNAs as crucial tethering molecules in regulating gene expression”
Speaker Francesco Di Palma, PhD"The ribosome stalling mechanism induced by the human XBP1u arrest peptide at atomistic level"
Moderator: Luca Pandolfini, PhD

June 5, 2024, 10 AM ET Zhejiang University (ZJU) Center for RNA Medicine
Speaker Weirui Ma, Multivalent 28S rRNA Is the Organizer of the Nucleolus’s Multi-layered Architecture
Speaker Di Chen, "Reading the m6A-encoded regulation in the differentiation of embryonic stem cells"
Moderator: Xin Li

May 22, 2024, 10 AM ET Cambridge RNA Club
Speaker Ana Tufegdžić VidakovićUbiquitin-mediated control of RNA polymerase II at the onset of the transcription cycle
Speaker Kostas Tzelepis, PhD"Therapeutic targeting of RNA and its modifications"
Moderator: Bianca Pierattini

April 24, 2024, 4 PM ET Yale Center for RNA Science and Medicine
Speaker Matthew Simon, PhD“Insights into regulated gene expression from RNA and protein chemistry”
Speaker Jun Lu, PhD" Cell surface RNAs in neutrophils "
Moderator: Jessie Mohsen

April 10, 2024, 4 PM ET Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute (ARRTI)
Speaker Zachary RobinsonDDX1 unwinds and retains NEAT1 lncRNA inside nuclear bodies
Speaker Indu Negi, PhD" Unravelling the dynamics of ykkC-I riboswitch: Insights into bacterial metabolism and metal ion-induced allostery through MD simulations"
Moderator: Laura Keffer-Wilkes, PhD

March 27, 2024, 10 AM ET UNC-CH RNA Discovery Center
Speaker Alain Laederachpre-mRNA structure change in controlling alternative splicing
Speaker Mauro Calabrese"Ectopically expressed Airn lncRNA recruits Polycomb to chromatin without inducing gene silencing"
Moderator: Chad Pecot

March 13, 2024, 4 PM ET  UMass Chan Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute
Speaker Andrei Korostelev, PhD, "Molecular mechanism of angiogenin activation"
Speaker Julia Alterman, PhD, "Delivering siRNA to the skin: an investigation of novel chemistry and routes of administration"
Moderator: Jonathan Watts, PhD

February 28, 2024, 10 AM ET European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Speaker  Olivier Duss, “Tracking assembly and function of single active RNPs in real-time
Speaker Lucía Álvarez"The molecular dissection of TRIM25‘s RNA-binding mechanism provides key insights into its antiviral activity"
Moderator: Janosch Hennig

February 14, 2024, 4 PM ET RNA MaxiGroup, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Speaker Karli Lipinski, Regulation of 3ʹ splice site selection by yeast splicing factor Fyv6
Speaker Lauren Mazurkiewicz, "Effects of diphthamide modification on translational fidelity and the yeast proteome"
Speaker: Saeed Roschdi, “Conformational variability of poly (UG) RNA: Complex folds from simple sequences
Moderator: Prof. Aaron Hoskins

January 31, 2024, 4 PM ET  University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology
Speaker Amanda Larracuente, PhD, Satellite DNAs and Small RNAs in Drosophila”
Speaker John Lueck, PhD"Development of Therapeutic Anticodon Edited (ACE)-tRNA Technologies for Nonsense Associated Diseases"
Moderator: Eric Wagner, PhD
Zoom Registration link:

January 17, 2024, 4 PM ET  University of Michigan Center for RNA Biomedicine
Speaker John Prensner, MD, PhD" Functions of non-canonical open reading frames in cancer"
Speaker Michelle Hastings, PhD"Title Pending"
Moderator: Mats Ljungman, PhD

January 3, 2024, 10 AM ET University of Science & Technology of China (USTC) RNA Institute
Speaker  Dr. Xiaolin WangA mammalian conserved circular RNA CircLARP1B regulates hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis and lipid metabolism
Speaker Dr. Shouhong Guang" Germ granule compartments coordinate specialized small RNA production in C. elegans"
Moderator: Dr. Ge Shan

December 6, 2023, 10 AM PT UCSC Center for Molecular Biology of RNA
Speaker Gillian RrexroadRethinking the Role of GTP Hydrolysis in Ribosomal Translocation
Speaker Jeremy Sanford, PhD" CURE-ing the exon-identity crisis"
Moderator: TBA

December 20, 2023, 10 AM CET  RNA Research Centre in Poznań
Speaker Jakub Dolata, Postdoctoral Research, microRNA biogenesis: co-transcriptional regulation and RNA modifications
Speaker Zbigniew Warkock, PhD Postdoc"LINE-1 mRNA 3’ end dynamics shape its biology and retrotransposition potential"
Moderator: Magda Maslon, PhD

November 8, 2023, 10 AM ET The RNA Institute, SUNY University at Albany
Speaker Arun Richard Chandrasekaran, PhDDynamic control of nucleic acid nanostructures using RNA and RNA degrading enzymes
Speaker Hannah Shorrock, PhD, "Alternative splicing dysregulation in CAG expansion Spinocerebellar Ataxias"
Moderator: Ken Halvorsen, PhD

October 25, 2023, 4 PM ET  Harvard Medical School Initiative for RNA Medicine (HIRM)
Speaker Carmelo Nucera, MD, PhDIdentification of a new lincRNA in the thyroid gland
Speaker Amanda Whipple, PhD"Regulation of imprinted gene expression in the brain"
Moderator: Frank Slack, PhD

November 8, 2023, 10 AM ET The RNA Institute, SUNY University at Albany
Speaker Arun Richard Chandrasekaran, PhDDynamic control of nucleic acid nanostructures using RNA and RNA degrading enzymes
Speaker Hannah Shorrock, PhD, "Alternative splicing dysregulation in CAG expansion Spinocerebellar Ataxias"
Moderator: Ken Halvorsen, PhD

September 27, 2023, 4 PM ET  NUS-CSI Singapore RNA Biology Center
Speaker Anthony Khong, Ph.DStress granules promote chemoresistance by enhancing p21 levels and triggering cell cycle exit
Speaker Pek Jun Wei, Ph.D., "Stable intronic sequences RNA: an expanding universe"
Moderator: Yvonne Tay, Ph.D.

October 11, 2023, 10 AM ET Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI)
Speaker Anuja Kibe, Ph.D., The translational landscape of HIV-1 infected cells reveals novel gene regulatory principles
Speaker Patrick Bohn"Native long read RNA structure probing to reveal RNA interaction sites"
Speaker Sahil Sharma, Ph.D., Endogenous RNA targeting by RNA-guided nuclease Cas9 in its native host
Moderator: Neva Caliskan, PhD

September 13, 2023, 4 PM ET  NCI RNA Biology Initiative
Speaker Natasha Caplen, Ph.D.hnRNPs, RNA biosynthesis, and disease: Insights from a fusion-driven cancer
Speaker Sarah Dremel, Ph.D."Consequences of circular RNA escape during herpesvirus host shut off"
Moderator: Sandra Wolin, MD, PhD

August 16, 2023, 10 AM ET  Zhejiang University (ZJU) Center for RNA Medicine
Speaker Shuai Liu, Ph.D., Lipid-based nanoparticles for organ selective mRNA delivery
Speaker Aiming Ren, Ph.D., "Structure-based investigations of the working mechanisms underlying some specific non-coding RNA molecules"
Moderator: Xin Li, PhD

August 2, 2023, 4 PM ET RiboClub Sherbrooke
Speaker Haissi Cui, Ph.D., Mammalian aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases in mRNA translation and beyond”
Speaker Marc Fabian, Ph.D., "Exploring how biomolecular condensates can regulate mRNA decay"
Moderator: Sherif Abou Elela

July 19, 2023, 4 PM ET  MD Anderson Center for RNA Interference and Non-Coding RNAs
Speaker Sara Corvigno, Ph.D., Enhanced vesicles for nucleotide delivery for cancer therapy
Speaker Paola Amero, Ph.D., "Aptamer chimera for therapeutic delivery"
Moderator: Gabriel Lopez-Berestein, M.D.

July 5, 2023, 10 AM ET  Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB)
Speaker Erin Sternburg, Ph.D., RGG motifs govern nuclear localization, RNA-binding, and stress granule recruitment of the neurodegeneration-linked RNA-binding protein FUS
Speaker Nadezda Podvalnaya"piRNA processing by a trimeric Schlafen-domain nuclease"
Moderator: Shamitha Govind

June 21, 2023, 10 AM ET  RNA initiative at the Italian Institute of Technology (iRNA@IIT)
Speaker Damiano Mangoni, PhD, “L1 ncRNAs at striatal circuits promote transition from flexible to inflexible behavior
Speaker Laura Broglia, PhDA circular-linear cooperative RNA network regulates cardiomyocyte differentiation by Sam68"
Moderator: Dafne Campigli Di Giammartino, PhD

June 7, 2023, 10 AM ET  Shanghai RNA Club
Speaker Fei-Long Meng, PhDMesoscale DNA Feature in Antibody-Coding Sequence Facilitates Somatic Hypermutation
Speaker Hua-Bing Li, PhD"RNA Modification in Immunity"
Moderator: Chao-Po Lin, PhD 

May 24, 2023, 4 PM ET  UNC RNA Discovery Center
Speaker Daniel Dominguez, PhD“Title TBA”
Speaker Owen Fenton, PhD"Development and Evaluatoin of Non-Viral RNA Delivery Platforms"
Moderator: Chad Pecot, MD

May 10, 2023, 10 AM ET  Groupement de Recherche (GDR) RNA
Speaker Mélanie Ethève QuelquejeuRNA-cofactor conjugates as bisubstrates for the study of RNA methyltransferases
Speaker Zeynep Baharogl" Epitranscriptomic adaptation to antibiotics: queuosine tRNA modification in Vibrio cholerae"
Moderator: Maria Duca, PhD

April 26, 2023, 4 PM ET  Bay Area RNA Club (BARC)
Speaker Gloria Brar, PhDGenomic expression cassettes drive unexpected RNAs and off-target effects
Speaker Rhiju Das, PhD" Progress in RNA 3D modeling?"
Moderator: Stefan Oberlin, PhD

March 29, 2023, 4 PM ET  Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute (ARRTI)
Speaker Elizabeth Trofimenkoff, “On the mathematical modeling of eIF5B-mediated non-canonical translation initiation as a chemotherapeutic target
Speaker Darren Gemmill, "Nucleolin Interacts with ZIKV RNA Terminal Regions and Modulates Virion Assembly"
Moderator: Laura Keffer-Wilkes

March 15, 2023, 4 PM ET  Yale Center for RNA Science and Medicine
Speaker Stefania Nicoli, PhDThe hidden life of mRNAs: a non-coding role as sensors of cell environment
Speaker Carson Thoreen, PhD"Functions of mRNA 5′ terminal sequences"
Moderator: Karla Neugebauer, PhD

March 1, 2023, 4 PM ET  University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology
Speaker Dmitri ErmolenkoTo what extent do mRNA stem-loops pause the translating ribosome?
Speaker Joseph Wedekind"The preQ1 riboswitch family uses multiple knotty strategies to control translation"
Moderator: Lynne Maquat, PhD

Feb 15, 2023, 10 AM ET  European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Speaker Simone HeberTropomyosin 1-I/C co-ordinates kinesin-1 and dynein motors during oskar mRNA transport
Speaker Jonas Tholen"The structural basis of intron branch site recognition by the human spliceosome"
Moderator: Cecilia Perez-Borrajero

Feb 01, 2023, 10 AM ET  University of Science & Technology of China (USTC) RNA Institute
Speaker Chengming ZhuUSTC complex and UAD-2 regulate piRNA transcription in C. elegans
Speaker Liang Chen" Exportin 4 in the nuclear export of exonic circRNAs"
Moderator: Shouhong Guang

Jan 18, 2023, 4 PM ET  University of Michigan Center for RNA Biomedicine
Rachel Niederer, Ph.D., “Regulation of ribosome activity and structure by a key neurotransmitter in sensory neurons
Jay Querido, Ph.D."The Structural Basis of Translational Initiation and its Regulation by the RNA Helicase eIF4A"
Moderator: Mats Ljungman, Ph.D. 

Jan 04, 2023, 10 AM ET  RNA MaxiGroup, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Charlotte Kanzler"Control of embryonic cell fates by the translational repressor Bicaudal-C"
Patrick Smith, “Regulation of ribosome activity and structure by a key neurotransmitter in sensory neurons
Isabella Whitworth, “Elucidating the RNA-protein interactome of SARS CoV-2 using HyPR-MS
Moderator: Aaron Hoskins  

Dec 14, 2022, 4 PM ET  UCSC Center for Molecular Biology of RNA

Nov 30, 2022, 4 PM ET  Penn Institute for RNA Innovation
Lijun Zhou, Ph.D., “Exploring the 'RNA World' with non-natural nucleic acid”
Robert Wang, "Long-read strategies to study the human transcriptome"
Moderator: Michael Owens

Dec 14, 2022, 4 PM ET  UCSC Center for Molecular Biology of RNA
Speaker TBA, “TItle TBA”
Speaker TBA, "TItle TBA"
Moderator: TBA

Nov 16, 2022, 4 PM ET  The RNA Institute, University At Albany
Paolo Forni"Single cell transcriptome of the vomeronasal organ of mice, new findings, new questions"
Kaalak Reddy"Functional consequences of disease-associated inosine misincorporation into RNA"
Moderator: Melinda Larsen

Nov 2, 2022, 4 PM ET  Harvard Medical School Initiative for RNA Medicine
Ryan Flynn"glycoRNAs: bridging the gap between glycobiology and RNA biology"
Sylvie Rouskin"Viral RNA structures as regulators of gene expression and therapeutic targets"
Moderator: Frank Slack

Oct 19, 2022, 10 AM ET  Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI)
Redmond Smyth"Probing the structure and function of viral RNAs"
Bhupesh Prusty"Regulation of miRNA processing by other miRNAs through sequence specific RNA:RNA interactions"
Moderator: Neva Caliskan  

Oct 5, 2022, 10 AM ET  NUS-CSI Singapore RNA Biology Center
Daniel G. Tenen“Weird nuclear noncoding RNAs regulating DNA methylation, mRNA transcription, and DNA replication”
Yue WAN"Mapping RNA structures in single cells"
Moderator: Polly Chen

Sep 21, 2022, 4 PM ET  NCI RNA Biology Initiative
Pedro Batista, Ph.D.“Re-wiring of RNA methylation by oncometabolites in kidney cancer”
Joana Vidigal, Ph.D."AGO2 unchained: in vivo roles in the miRNA pathway and beyond"
Moderator: Sandra Wolin, MD, PhD

Sep 7, 2022, 4 PM ET  UMass Chan Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute
Ildar Gainetdinov, Ph.D.“Why do animals need two Argonaute families with different catalytic properties?”
Karina Jouravleva, Ph.D."Structural basis for accurate and efficient microRNA biogenesis by Dicer"
Moderator: Wenwen Fang, PhD

Aug 24, 2022, 4 PM ET  RNA Collaborative Lighniting Talk presentations with live Q&A
 "ZAPping out the virus"
Anuja Kibe, Helmholtz Institute of RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI)
"How to use Cytoplasmic Stress Granules to Better Treat Cancer"
Gabriel Faber, Bar Ilan University
"Blocking the evolutionary escape of viruses"
Fabian Rohden, University of Manitoba

Aug 10, 2022, 4 PM ET  RiboClub Sherbrooke
Michelle Scott“From ribosome biogenesis to gene expression regulation: small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) target a wide transcriptome”
Peter Unrau"RNA Mango aptamer tools: RNA imaging, sensors and RNA-protein complex pulldowns"

Jul 27, 2022, 4 PM ET  MD Anderson Center for RNA Interference and Non-Coding RNAs
Elaine Stur“Spatially resolved transcriptomics of high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma”
Menlanie Winkle"Anti-miR-93-5p therapy prolongs sepsis survival by restoring the peripheral immune response"

Jul 13, 2022, 10 AM ET  Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB)
Julian Koenig“FUBP1 is a new core component of 3' splice site recognition that facilitates the splicing of long introns”
Kathi Zarnack"High-throughput mutagenesis identifies mutations and RNA-binding proteins controlling CD19 splicing and CART-19 therapy resistance"
Moderator: Stefanie Ebersberger

Jun 29, 2022, 10 AM ET  Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
Roberto Giambruno“RNA-host protein interaction analyses reveal additional proteins involved in SARS-CoV-2 RNA biology”
Caterina Gasperini"Dissecting the role of Piwil2 (Mili) in neural stem cell fate"

Jun 15, 2022, 10 AM ET  Shanghai RNA Club
Rujuan Liu“Catalyzing tRNA, mRNA or others? The multifaceted role of tRNA modifying enzymes”
Hui Yang"Structural insights into substrate targeting and inhibition of CRISPR-Cas systems"
Moderator: Paul Lin

Jun 1, 2022, 4 PM ET  University of North Carolina RNA Research Group
Christine Roden“SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein-RNA interactions encode viral functions”
Aki Braceros"Counterbalanced interactions between DNA regulatory elements control long-distance epigenetic silencing by the Airn lncRNA"
Moderator: Qi Zhang

May 18, 2022, 10 AM ET  Groupe de Recherche RNA (GDR)
Marc Graille“TRMT112, a master regulator of RNA methyltransferases modifying factors involved in mRNA translation”
Andrey Klymchenko"Fluorescent nanoparticles for amplified detection and imaging of RNA in solution and cells"
Moderator: Fabrice Leclerc, Ph.D.

May 4, 2022, 4 PM ET  The Bay Area RNA Club (BARC)
Julia Salzman“Developmentally regulated RNA isoforms expression programs revealed by scRNA-seq”
Mark Ansel"Dissecting post-transcriptional circuits in immune responses"
Moderator: Miri Krupkin

Apr 20, 2022, 4 PM ET  Cambridge RNA Club
Kathryn Lilley, Ph.D.“The spatial organisation of the cell”
Alex Borodavka, Ph.D."Putting the spotlight on the molecular choreography of viral RNAs"
Moderator: Eric Miska, Ph.D.

Apr 6, 2022, 4 PM ET  Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute (ARRTI)
Luke Saville“NERD-seq: A novel approach of Nanopore direct RNA sequencing that expands representation of non-coding RNAs”
Athan Zovoilis"Dissecting the role of SINE non-coding RNAs in brain health and disease"

Mar 23, 2022, 4 PM ET  Yale Center for RNA Science and Medicine
Josien van Wolfswinkel, Ph.D.“The role of PIWI proteins and piRNAs in the eternal life of planarian stem cells”
Stephanie Halene M.D.,Ph.D."U2AF1 Mutations Enhance Stress Granule Response in Myeloid Malignancies"
Moderator: Prof. Karla Neugebauer, PhD.

Mar 9, 2022, 10 AM ET  European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Mainak Bose, PhD (Ephrussi group)“Liquid or solid - Do material properties of RNP granules matter in vivo?”
Pravin Jagtap, PhD (Hennig group)"Molecular insights into the remodelling of roX lncRNA during Drosophila dosage compensation"
Moderator: Janosch Hennig, PhD

Feb 9, 2022, 4 PM ET  USTC RNA Institute
Ge Shan, Ph.D., “CircRNA subclasses and functions”
Xiaoyuan Song"The role of long noncoding RNAs in brain aging"
Moderator: Shouhong Guang, Ph.D.

Feb 23, 2022, 4 PM ET  University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology
Eric J. Wagner, PhD“TItle TBA”
Peng Yao, PhD"TItle TBA"
Moderator: Lynne Maquat, PhD

Jan 26, 2022, 4 PM ET  University of Michigan, Center for RNA Biomedicine
Kristin Koutmou, Ph.D.“Consequences of uridine modifications on translation”
Peter Todd, M.D., Ph.D."Repeat associated Non-AUG initiated Translation in neurodegenerative disease"
Moderator: Mats Ljungman, Ph.D.

Jan 12, 2022, 4 PM ET  University of Wisconsin-Madison RNA MaxiGroup
Justin Mabin, Ph.D., 
“Human spliceosomal snRNA sequence variants generate variant spliceosomes” 
Bo Peng, Ph.D., “Characterization of RNA binding protein regulation in neural stem cell quiescence exit”
Brian Carrick, Ph.D."Unraveling the multiple key roles of a single RBP in development"
Moderator: Aaron Hoskins, Ph.D.

Dec 15, 2021, 4 PM ET  Harvard Medical School Initiative for RNA Medicine
Annalisa Di Ruscio, M.D., Ph.D. "A RNA-guided approach to epigenetic therapy"
Ioannis Vlachos, Ph.D. “Efficient integration of spatial transcriptomics and single cell sequencing technologies for in depth tissue interrogation” 
Moderator: Frank Slack, Ph.D. 

Dec 1, 2021, 4 PM ET  Penn RNA Group - University of Pennsylvania
Peter Choi, PhD
Kathryn Hamilton, PhD

Nov 17, 2021, 4 PM ET  
The RNA Institute, University At Albany
Gabriele Fuchs, PhD “RACK1 as a regulator of Protein biosynthesis”
Cara Pager, PhD "RNA Shapes Zika virus gene expression"
Moderator: Marlene Belfort, Ph.D.

Oct 20, 2021, 9 AM ET  Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research
Chase Beisel, PhD “CRISPR-Cas systems and the dilemma(s) of adaptive immunity”
Antoine-Emmanuel Saliba, PhD "Uncovering host-pathogen interaction modalities using single-cell RNA-seq and RNA metabolic labeling"
Moderator: Neva Caliskan, Ph.D.

Nov 3, 2021, 4 PM ET UCSC Center for Molecular Biology of RNA
Jeremy Sanford, PhD“Post-transcriptional control of oncogenic gene expression by IGF2BP3”
Michael Stone, PhD"Multiplexed single-molecule analysis of human telomerase catalysis"

Oct 6, 2021  RNA Biology Center, CSI-NUS
Polly CHEN“Crosstalk between RNA editing and RNA splicing”
Yvonne TAY"Widespread 3’UTR splicing promotes oncogene expression and tumorigenesis"
Moderator: Daniel G.TENEN

Sep 22, 2021  NCI RNA Biology Initiative
Astrid Haase, MD, PhD“A small RNA perspective on genomic conflict”
John (Jay) Schneekloth, Jr, PhD"Targeting RNA with small molecules: tools and tactics"
Moderator: Sandra Wolin, MD, PhD

Sep 8, 2021, 4 PM ET  University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology
Jenna Lentini (PhD student) “DALRD3 targets specific arginine-tRNAs for 3-methylcytosine modification”
David Mathews, MD, PhD “Using conservation to determine RNA secondary structure”
Moderator: Lynne Maquat, PhD

Aug 25, 2021
Host: Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Germany
Prof. Dorothee Dormann: “Regulation of neurodegeneration-linked RNA-binding proteins by nuclear import receptors and post-translational modifications”
Prof. René Ketting: “Small RNAs and epigenetic inheritance”
Moderator: Julian König

Aug 11, 2021
Host: RiboClub, Canada
Éric Lécuyer, PhD: “Insights into the subcellular travels of cellular RNAs and RNA binding proteins”
Moderator: Sherif Abou Elela

Jul 14, 2021 iRNA @ Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
Stefano Gustincich, PhD“SINEUPs: a new functional class of antisense long non-coding RNAs”
Moderator: Prof. Gian Gaetano Tartaglia

Jun 30, 2021  University of Michigan, Center for RNA Biomedicine
Sethu Pitchiaya, Ph.D. “Dynamic multivalent interactions drive mammalian RNA regulation”
Chase Weidmann, Ph.D. "Characterizing cellular RNA-protein interaction networks with chemical probes"
Moderator: Nils Walter, Ph.D.

Jun 16, 2021  Yale Center for RNA Science and Medicine
Wendy V. Gilbert, PhD “Revealing new functions for ancient RNA modifying enzymes in health and disease”
Antonio Giraldez, PhD "Mechanisms of posttranscriptional regulation during the maternal to zygotic transition"

Jun 2, 2021  European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Lena Anastasakou, Ph.D. “An evolutionarily conserved structure-to-function axis governs the functional mechanism of the regulatory lncRNA MEG3”
François Dossin, Ph.D. "Mechanistic dissection of SPEN function during X chromosome inactivation."

May 19, 2021  GDR RNA (@RNA_CNRS)
Jean-Louis Mergny, Ph.D.“Quadruplexes are everywhere”
Alexandre David, Ph.D."RNA Epigenetics steers colorectal cancer cell fate"

May 5, 2021  Cambridge RNA Club

April 21, 2021 Shanghai RNA Club

April 7, 2021 The Bay Area RNA Club (BARC)

March 24, 2021  UMass Chan Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute
Li Li, Ph.D.“Efficient chemical RNA copying with 2-aminoimidazole activated nucleotides”
Wenwen Fang, Ph.D.“Sensing RNA: from microRNA biogenesis to innate immunity”
Moderator: Erik Sontheimer, Ph.D.

March 10, 2021  Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute (ARRTI)
Luc Roberts, Ph.D.“Grad School to Biotech: A start up perspective”
Kristi Turton & Riya Roy“RNA Innovation: The power of academic and industry collaborations”

March 3, 2021 HOST: The University of Michigan, Center for RNA Biomedicine (special guest seminar)
Melissa J. Moore, Ph.D., Moderna Therapeutics, "A timely confluence: The backstory of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine"
Moderator: Nils Walter, Ph.D., Co-Director, U-M Center for RNA Biomedicine

February 24, 2021 Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI)
Neva Caliskan, Ph.D., "Structural and molecular basis for Cardiovirus 2A protein as a viral gene expression switch"
Mathias Munschauer, Ph.D., "The SARS-CoV-2 RNA–protein interactome in infected human cells"
Moderator: Redmond Smyth, Ph.D.

January 13, 2021 NCI RNA Biology Initiative 
Nicholas Guydosh, PhD “Ribosome collisions and sites of quality control revealed by ribosome profiling
Katherine McJunkin, PhD  “CRISPR screening to identify biologically important microRNA targets
Moderator: Sandra Wolin, MD, PhD

December 16, 2020  European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Ina Huppertz, Ph.D. “RNA regulates Glycolysis and Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation via Enolase 1
Olivier Duss, Ph.D.  “Co-transcriptional RNP complex assembly in real-time: How transient protein-RNA interactions guide nascent ribosomal RNA folding
Moderator: Matthias Hentze, MD

December 2, 2020 University of California, Santa Cruz
Daniel Kim, PhD “RAS signaling regulates the noncoding transcriptome
Susan Carpenter, PhD How do noncoding RNAs contribute to inflammation?
Moderator: Harry Noller, PhD

November 18, 2020  Harvard Medical School Initiative for RNA Medicine
Suneet Agarwal, M.D., Ph.D. “Targeting telomerase RNA in degenerative diseases
Carmelo Nucera. M.D., Ph.D.  “Role of coding and non-coding genes in aggressive thyroid cancer
Moderator: Frank Slack, PhD

November 4, 2020 University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology
Paul Boutz, Ph.D. “Tumors taking the short cut: CDK12 and CDK13 in early transcription termination and nuclear RNA surveillance
Clara Kielkopf, Ph.D.  “Targeting U2AF: A vulnerable rheostat of pre-mRNA splicing
Moderator: David Mathews, MD, PhD

October 21, 2020 University of Pennsylvania RNA Group
Kathy Fange Liu, Ph.D. "RNA species dance to the beat of modifications
Yoseph Barash, Ph.D. "Splicing quantification from RNASeq - How to get the signal out of the noise?"
Moderator: Jeremy Wilusz, Ph.D.

October 7, 2020 The RNA Institute, University at Albany
Joseph Wade, Ph.D. “Pervasive translation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis” 
Scott Tenenbaum, Ph.D., “sxRNA: The Engineering of trans-Acting 3-Way Junctions for Function” 
Moderator: Thomas Begely, Ph.D.  

September 9, 2020 The University of Michigan, Center for RNA Biomedicine
Sue Hammoud, Ph.D. "Same Same Different: Single cell RNAseq identifies conserved and divergent features of mammalian spermatogenesis"
Justin Colacino, Ph.D. "Single cell transcriptomic profiling to understand breast stem cell heterogeneity in development and cancer disparities"
Moderator: Mats Ljungman, Ph.D 

August 26, 2020 Yale Center for RNA Science and Medicine 
Siyuan (Steven) Wang, Ph.D.  “Image-based spatial genomics and transcriptomics
Junjie Guo, Ph.D. “RNA decay deficits cause neurodegeneration in ALS/FTD”   
Moderator: Karla Neugebauer 

August 12, 2020 NCI RNA Biology Initiative
Shuo Gu, Ph.D.  “A tale of tails: How 3’ uridylation alters miRNA function”
Voula Mili, Ph.D. “Local co-translational interactions control protein function”
Moderator: Sandra L. Wolin, MD, PhD 

July 29, 2020 Harvard Medical School Initiative for RNA Medicine 
Tim Yu, MD, PhD. “Prospects for hyper-individualized RNA medicines”
Shobha Vasudevan, Ph.D. “A specialized post-transcriptional program in chemoresistant, quiescent cancer cells”
Moderator: Frank Slack, Ph.D. 

July 15, 2020 University of Rochester Center for RNA Biology 
Mitch O’Connell, Ph.D. “Programmable RNA-targeting by CRISPR-Cas enzymes”
Xin Li, Ph.D. “Coupled protein synthesis and ribosome-guided piRNA processing on mRNAs”
Moderator: Lynne Maquat, Ph.D.  
July 1, 2020 MD Anderson Center for RNA Interference and Non-Coding RNAs
Dr. Simone Anfossi, Ph.D. “ncRNAs: ‘inside out’ cancer regulomers”
Dr. Cristian Rodriguez-Aguayo, Ph.D. “Therapeutic Targeting of ncRNAs in Cancer”
Moderator: George Calin

June 17, 2020 UMass Chan Medical School, RNA Therapeutics Institute
Athma Pai, Ph.D. “How efficiently do cells create mRNA? Balancing speed and accuracy in gene regulation”
Jonathan Watts, Ph.D. “Fighting an RNA virus with an RNA drug”
Moderator: Phil Zamore 

June 3, 2020 Riboclub, Sherbrooke
Francois Bachand, Ph.D. “Nutrient-dependent control of RNA polymerase II elongation rate regulates gene expression programs by alternative polyadenylation”
Andrew McMillan, Ph.D. “Spliceosome Structure: Can the Blind Men Now Describe the Elephant?”
Moderator: Sherif Abou Elela

May 20, 2020 The RNA Institute, University At Albany
Morgan Sammons, Ph.D. “Regulatory paradigms controlling a core stress response”
Alan Chen, Ph.D. “Simulating RNA folding pathways in 3D using sparse experimental constraints”
Moderator: Marlene Belfort, Ph.D.

May 6, 2020 University of Michigan Center for RNA Biomedicine
Peter Freddolino, Ph.D. “It’s not the gene, it’s the neighborhood: Effects of large scale chromosomal structure on bacterial transcription”
Stephanie Moon, Ph.D. “A link between translation quality control and mRNA targeting to stress granules”
Moderator: Nils Walter, Ph.D.

April 22, 2020 Yale Center for RNA Science and Medicine
Sarah Slavoff, Ph.D. “Regulation of RNA decapping and phase separation by a human polypeptide”
Nadya Dimitova, Ph.D. “Long Noncoding RNAs in Cancer: What, Where and How?”
Moderator: Karla Neugebauer, Ph.D.