Tuesday, December 29, 2020
In just a few days it will be a new year, 2021. A time to take stock, reflect on the year that has passed (and what a year 2020 was!) and to look towards the future and make some plans. But before we scribble down a few goals, with the best of intentions of course, it might be a good idea to set the scene.
Pencil an hour into your scheduler, when the kids are in bed, when the workday is done, when dinner has been eaten and the kitchen cleaned. Grab some paper and a pen. Fill a glass of water. Hang a “Do not disturb” sign on the door. Find a comfortable seat.
Before putting pen to paper, take a moment to get quiet. Tune in to your breath. Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking in your favorite place (on a sandy beach, down a grassy garden path, along a pine needle-laden trail in the woods). Take three deep, quiet, relaxing breaths, inhaling, and exhaling through your nose.
Open your eyes. Now that you are feeling grounded, you should be ready to set some intentions for the new year. If this is a practice you already have, then go to it. If this is a new experience, or something that you would like a bit more guidance on, then perhaps ask yourself these questions.
What needs to be transformed within me in 2021?
Is there something from 2020 that came to light, but that you swept back under the carpet? Are you scared to let go of something that might be holding you back? Making room for the things we want to create is possible when we clear out the things that no longer serve us.
How will 2021 be different? What specifically will be better?
Is this the year you try new recipes? Step out of your food comfort zone to add more variety into your daily meals?
Will you start that business you have been dreaming of?
Getting specific helps the goal/plan come into clearer focus
Who do I want to become in 2021?
Do you want to be more relaxed, able to put as much effort into your play time as you do for your work and family time?
Do you want to become a cheerleader for others who have IBD and need encouragement?
What is my 3-month plan? My 1-year plan? My 3-year plan?
What do I want to have (in 3-months, 1-year, 3-years)?
What do I need to do to make this happen?
Who do I need to be to have these things?
This is where it can get a little scary, feeling like once a goal is written down, we must commit to it. But wait, it seems impossible! Breaking it down into the simple, small steps will help your goals seem less daunting. Just have the faith in yourself that one foot in front of the other is the best way to keep moving forward. And don’t forget that you don’t have to do it all alone. We all need help along the way and what a great feeling it is to help and be helped!
Finally, and here is the best part, write a letter from your future self at the year’s end 2021. Let yourself know how amazing your year was, the successes, the challenges and how you overcame them, and how much you love yourself for showing up, every day to make your dreams come true. Tuck this away to read next year this time. Will you be surprised at what your future self wrote?