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New Faculty

We are pleased that you have selected the UMass Chan Medical School as a place to develop and expand your professional career. We offer many opportunities and resources to guide and support you on your successful journey with us.

New Faculty Orientations are held several times per year to welcome new faculty and provide them with an overview of the institution and to assist them in beginning a successful career at UMass Chan Medical School. For more information about the next scheduled Orientation, please email

Chancellor's Welcome for New Faculty 1.14.25

Provost's Welcome for New Faculty 1.14.25

Overview of UMass Chan Medical School for New Faculty 1.14.25

Diversity & Inclusion at UMass Chan 1.14.25

DRIVE at UMass Chan 1.14.25

Promotion Process and Criteria at UMass Chan 1.14.25

One-page handouts from UMass Chan offices that support faculty

Your Department or Program may have selected an Onboarding Mentor as a guide for your first year at UMass Chan Medical School.

Curriculum Vitae and Biosketches: information on assembling these important biographical documents, including information on the UMass Chan Medical School CV Format required for the process for appointment, promotion and tenure at UMass Chan.

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