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Contact HR

UMass Chan Medical School Human Resources Department

South Street Campus
333 South Street, HR 2nd Floor
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Maps and directions


Main Number: 508-856-5260

Option 1: Service Center for Benefits, HR Data Group, Employment Verification, Worker’s Compensation and Assistance for New Hires

Option 2: Talent, Recruiting, New Hires

Option 3: Immigration Services

Option 4: Payroll

Option 5: FMLA, Leaves of Absence, Employee Relations

Option 6: Labor Relations & Compliance

Option 7: Compensation

Option 8: Communications, Learning & Development

For individual contacts in HR Departments, email addresses and other contact information, click here. NOTE: You will need internal access to view this information.