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National Resident Matching Program (NRMP)


The function of the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) is to allow senior medical students seeking positions in the first year of graduate medical education and institutions offering positions an opportunity for each to submit a rank list to the NRMP specifying their order of preference. Virtually all of the nation’s hospitals and graduating medical students participate in the NRMP. The NRMP compiles this information to generate a “match” for the student and the residency training program using an applicant-proposing algorithm. The “matching” process is accomplished through the NRMP computer system. All NRMP correspondence is coordinated through the Office of Student Affairs.

Registration for the Match as well as submission of each student’s “Rank List” is done through the NRMP Website: (  Registration for the Main Match is a three-step, online process including completing a registration form, agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of the Match and payment of a registration fee. An e-mail address will be necessary for the NRMP to communicate quickly and easily with you if necessary. Students can register with the NRMP in September. In early February of the senior year, students will enter their rank list by computer through the NRMP. In March, all seniors and residency programs receive the results of the computer matching process. A match generated through the NRMP is a BINDING agreement to attend that program. Please visit the NRMP’s Website ( for more specific information pertaining to the NRMP matching process including important dates, deadlines and policies.

USMLE Requirements for Match participation: Students are required to have passed USMLE Steps 1 and 2 CK in order to participate in the National Residency Match Program (NRMP). If a student does not have a passing score recorded in both examinations by the last date for submission of rank lists, the student’s name will be withdrawn from the Match by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs on the Match deadline date.

This content is current to the 2021-2022 Student Handbook.