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May is Mental Health Month

Each year iSPARC partners with its Community Engagement to elevate their voice to help empower, recognize, and validate the perspectives of those with these mental health lived experiences. 

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"Ecomaps are tools to visualize connections and the flow of resources or energy involved in such relationships. Although often used as a clinical tool, I wanted to apply the exercise to my own life so I can better understand the places and people that impact my life. It is easy for me to feel isolated, and the exercise helped me realize I’m more connected than I realized."

Objects of Connection

Pictures, drawings, videos, and/or descriptions of the “Objects of Connection” we have received from people during difficult times.

A friend knit the squirrel and gave it to me, not knowing that I was feeling down. It lifted my spirits immediately! And, whenever my anxiety starts rising, I hold/look at the squirrel and I can't help but smile.

A ratty sweater, which I asked my dad to bring for me during my first hospitalization. Its condition hasn't changed much since I first got it as a hand-me-down as a child; looking back I'm not sure why it was given to me in such condition, but even now as an adult, it's still oversized, and has always been a comfort item I wear around the house when I really need to.

A pair of tweezers, which I asked my dad to bring for me during my first hospitalization. He visited me almost every day, during the two-and-a-half weeks I was there, and I felt a strong need to keep doing at least some of my normal grooming so that, even if being in the hospital was about focusing on what mattered most, I still kept some semblance of dignity when he came to see me. When he asked, I told him I didn't want my younger siblings to see me until I was ready to come home.

This is a small stuffed animal that my roommate gifted me when he learned I would be admitted to the hospital. It was a small, but significant gesture of kindness during a time of immense despair and shame. I brought this guy to the hospital and he was a comforting reminder that people cared about me, despite what my brain was telling me at the time.

A mix CD that I wasn’t able to listen to until I got home from the hospital (due to hospital restrictions).

Mental Health Action Day: May 16

Dedicate one one hour to connection. When we connect we thrive

blue box with text mental health action day

In partnership with 1800+ brands, nonprofits, cultural leaders, and government agencies, iSPARC is proud to be a partner in Mental Health Action Day on May 16. On this day and every day, we will encourage and empower people to take the next step for #MentalHealthAction for themselves, their loved ones, and their community.