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While each person has a unique path, there are colleagues and leaders who have been down a similar path and from whom we can gain perspective, insights and support as we consider career decisions and directions.  Reflections are short, one page individual thoughts that these colleagues and leaders have shared about specific areas along the career timeline from starting out in academic medicine to thinking about the transition through retirement.  They are intended to spur your reflections about these topics and do not represent an official view of UMass Chan or UMMMHC.  The reflections are curated by the Office of Faculty Affairs.

Transition Through Retirement Reflections

Why are transitions so difficult?
When will you be ready to retire?
How do I prepare for retirement beyond the financial?
What does transition to retirement look like?
How does a couple prepare for retirement?
What type of retiree might you become?
This is not your parent's retirement
Developing a Strategy for Succession
Why Do Academic Faculty Retire?