This document tries to list steps and procedures for a typical daily operation on CM120. You can use it as guidebook to help you when you are sitting with CM120, especially if you are a new user. I here assume you are already familiar with scope interface, what the knobs and buttons do etc.. You might use the section titles as quick bullet p ints, but the explanation inside each sections are supposed to be useful and informative. A pdf version of this document is also available.
If you have suggestion how to improve this document to make it more useful, please feel free to let me know. Thank you!
NOTE: all the turning knobs on the panel and push buttons are marked
.It is always a good idea to check the LOG book. You can find useful information listed there, such as:
If there have been any recent problems with the scope.
The conditions that were used last, especially the filament saturation.
Any special note that last user wants you to know.
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