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    Karim Alavi, MD, MPH

    Associate Professor, Department of Surgery/Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, UMass Chan Medical School

Karim Alavi, MD, MPH

Research Focus - Colon and Rectal Cancer Outcomes and Analysis Program

  • Improving patient care through surgical innovation, such as phase II and phase III studies evaluating the role of transanal TME in the treatment of rectal cancer
  • Outcomes research focusing on racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in the timely receipt of standard of care treatment for colon and rectal cancer 
  • Quality initiatives in patients following surgery for cancer aimed at reducing opioid usage and preventing re-admissions

Representative Publication

Hill SS, Chung SK, Meyer DC, et al. Impact of preoperative care for rectal adenocarcinoma on pathologic specimen quality and postoperative morbidity: A NSQIP analysis. J Am Coll Surg. 2020;230(1):17-25.

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