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Saving Money for a Better Life: What Can the ABLE Act Do for Me?

Date Posted: Thursday, August 24, 2017
By: Raphael Mizrahi, Tania Duperoy, Deirdre G. Logan


The "Achieving a Better Life Experience" Act, or ABLE Act, is a federal law that was passed in 2014. This landmark legislation offers people living with disabilities, including those with serious mental health conditions, a chance to pursue their hopes and dreams in a realistic way without as many financial obstacles.

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Subject Area

Legal Issues, Transition Age Youth


ABLE Act, Transition Age Youth, Federal Laws that help disabled individuals, disabilities, savings accounts, Spanish

Suggested Citation

Mizrahi R, Duperoy T, Logan DG. Saving Money for a Better Life: What Can the ABLE Act Do for Me? [English and Spanish versions]. Psychiatry Information in Brief 2017;14(8):1115. Retrieved from