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The TYPE Study is Recruiting Young Adults from across the U.S.!

Date Posted: Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Transition-age Youth Psychotherapy Experiences (TYPE) study is designed to gain a better understanding of the experiences, including the good, bad, and everything in-between, of Transition Age Youth (TAY) receiving outpatient psychotherapy treatment. 

Results of the study will be used to improve therapy so that it fits better with what young adults want or need.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • young adult who is 18-25 years old
  • has a self-identified mental health condition
  • receiving outpatient psychotherapy for 12 months or less (can be brand new to therapy)

Study Format:

  • Participation includes two interviews scheduled two months apart.
  • Interviews will last roughly 1 hour and will include a web survey and qualitative portion.
  • Interviews will take place over the phone/computer.
  • Participants located within 30 miles of Worcester, MA have the option of in-person interviews at a location of convenience.


  • Young adults will be compensated up to $50 for their involvement in this study ($25 gift card for each completed interview)


If you are a provider and would like to learn more about this study, please click here:


If you are a young adult and would like to learn more about this study, please click here: