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The 52nd Annual Commencement Exercises to celebrate the accomplishments of the classes of 2025 at UMass Chan Medical School will be held on campus on Sunday, June 1, 2025.


Match Day

Each year, at noon on the third Friday of March, medical students in the United States wait anxiously to learn where their professional career will take them after the culmination of their studies. The result of Match Day determines not only the type of training each student will receive but also defines their medical specialty and, ultimately, where they will live during the first years of their chosen profession.


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Convocation week

UMass Chan Medical School celebrates the beginning of each new academic year by coming together as a campus community to reflect on our shared values and our vocation as caregivers, researchers, teachers, students and community members. Convocation and related events are traditionally scheduled for the third week in September.


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Educational Recognition Awards

Since 1999, the annual Educational Recognition Awards ceremony has been held as a means of reaffirming education as the founding and primary mission of the campus. The event is characterized by recognition of educational excellence in all three schools, a celebration of the collaboration among the three schools and pride in the dedication, passion and creativity of faculty.


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