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Pediatrics Elective Course Description

Course Name: Pediatric Endocrinology/Diabetes
Course Number: PE-409
Elective Type: B1 

Contact: Maxine Schmeidler

Department: Pediatrics
Sites Available: UMMHC-University Campus
Months Offered: E1 - M10
Number of Students / Month:
Prerequisites: Completion of Pediatrics Clerkship 

Elective Description:

  1. Identify normal and abnormal growth patterns throughout childhood,
  2. Understand the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of common pediatric endocrine disorders,
  3. Appreciate the multi-disciplinary approach to the management of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.  Elective predominantly in the outpatient department.


Note: N/A
Location: UMMHC-University Campus, 55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA  01655 
Website: Department of Pediatrics