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Pathology Elective Course Description

Course Name: Special Topics in Pathology
Course Number: PA-426
Elective Type: C

Jennifer Clark, MD
Contact: Caitrin Reynolds

Department: Pathology
Sites Available: University Campus, Biotech 3
Months Offered: E1 - M10
Number of Students / Month: 2 students per month

Medical students who have successfully completed their first two years of basic medical science study.  


This elective requires advanced approval from the elective coordinator.

Elective Description:

This elective provides a mentored experience in the study of special topics in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. The student will be assigned a project or topic relevant to the practice of pathology. Possible projects include new assay validation, case reports, educational case creation, curriculum development, laboratory medical directorship, and investigative research in basic, translational, clinical, or population-based studies. Elective requirements include:

- a project plan for independent learning related to the topic(s) selected for study;

- a final deliverable (e.g., manuscript draft, curriculum materials, case report, presentation, reflective writing assignment, etc.) designed after discussion with the faculty mentor; and

- attendance at at least 1 session/week from a curated list of conferences, teaching sessions, or tumor boards.

Note: N/A
Location: University Campus, Biotech 3, Innovation Drive, Worcester, MA  01655 