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Medicine Elective Course Description

Course Name: Rheumatology
Course Number: ME-434 
Elective Type: B1

Contact: Daryl Margadonna

Department: Medicine
Sites Available:

UMMHC – Memorial & University Campuses – In Patient Consults seen daily at both campuses. Majority of elective occurs at Memorial Campus.

Veteran's Administration (VA) Outpatient Clinic – Students go to the VA every Wednesday for a ½ day

Months Offered: E1, M1-M10
Number of Students / Month:  Varies
Prerequisites: 4th year student 
Enrollment Process: Approval from coordinator required; email approval to to schedule
Elective Description: The student will have the opportunity to work up hospitalized patients and patients seen in the outpatient Rheumatology Clinic with arthritis and other connective tissue disorders. The student will perform the initial rheumatologic work-up and make management decisions. He/she will receive training in joint and bursa aspiration and injection under the supervision of one of the faculty members in the Division of Rheumatology. The student will develop facility with the musculoskeletal examination and interpretation of laboratory studies used to evaluate rheumatologic problems. The student will have direct exposure to the Immunology laboratory and Physical Therapy.
  • Memorial Campus, 119 Belmont Street, Worcester, MA 01605
  • University Campus, 55 Lake Avenue N, Worcester, MA 01655
  • VA Outpatient Clinic, 605 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA  01605