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Emergency Medicine Elective Course Description

Course Name: Introduction to Medical Toxicology  
Course Number: EM-4448 
Elective Type: B2

Dr. Mark Neavyn

Contact: Jean Baril 508-421-5522

Department: Emergency Medicine
Sites Available: UMMHC-University Campus
Months Offered: E2 - M5, M8 - M10, other blocks may be available with permission from coordinator
Number of Students / Month: 1
Prerequisites: Completion of 3rd year Clerkships
Enrollment Process: Must get approval from coordinator and then contact to have added to your schedule

Elective Description: Students will work alongside the toxicology resident/fellow on call. When there is a consultation from the Emergency Department, the resident/fellow will notify the student, who will have the responsibility of writing the consult. Student will then discuss the case with the fellow, and make treatment recommendations. Students will learn:

  1. To identify and treat the major toxidromes
  2. The assessment and management of metabolic acidosis
  3. To identify non-clinical patterns of toxicologic illness (e.g., ECG findings consistent with ingested intoxicants)
  4. To learn the management of acetaminophen poisoning
  5. To learn the management of aspirin toxicity
  6. To learn the management of tricyclic antidepressant poisoning
Location:  UMMHC- University Campus