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Tobacco Prevention and Cessation - Resources

American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout
The 4th Thursday in November is the Great American Smokeout.  This is a good time to quit smoking or to get ready to quit.

American Heart Association
Access healthy lifestyle information.
The US Department of Health and Human Services website with tobacco facts and quit information/resources.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Access information about quitting tobacco, health harms of tobacco, secondhand smoke and youth tobacco prevention.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program
The Make Smoking History website provides quit smoking, secondhand smoke, and youth tobacco prevention information and resources.

Massachusetts Health Promotion Clearinghouse
The Clearinghouse provides free materials, on quitting tobacco, secondhand smoke, and other related issues, for Massachusetts residents and health and social service providers in the Commonwealth.

Massachusetts Smokers’ Helpline
Provides free quit smoking information and free phone counseling and support to quit smoking.  English & Translations: 1-800-784-8669;
Spanish: 1-800-833-5256; TTY: 1-888-229-2182

Nicotine Anonymous (Nic A) meetings
Nicotine Anonymous is a 12 step program that offers support to those that wish to stop using tobacco and nicotine products in any form.

Rx for Change: Clinician-Assisted Tobacco Cessation
This comprehensive tobacco cessation training provides health professionals with the knowledge and skills to assist their client/patient with quitting tobacco. 

Smoking Cessation Leadership Center
A National Program Office of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that aims to increase smoking cessation rates and increase the number of health professionals that help smokers quit.

UMass Chan Medical School Center for Tobacco Treatment Research and Training 
Find information on Basic Skills for Working with Smokers, Tobacco Treatment Specialist Core Training, Tobacco Treatment Specialist Certification and other training opportunities.