UMass Chan Faculty Handbook
- Student Absence Policy
- Curriculum Delivery | HyFlex
Vista Leadership Roles & Responsibilities
- Vista Leadership Roles | HOME
- Vista Pathway Inquiry & Concentration (Pathways)
- Vista Longitudinal Biomedical Topic (LBT)
- Vista Early Clinical Leadership (ECL)
- Vista Clinical Applications
- Vista Block Directors
- Vista Longitudinal Focus Topic (LFT)
- Vista Accelerated MD (aMD) Program
- Core Small Group Faculty (CSGF)
- EPC Curriculum Committee Leadership
- Early Clinical Learning Small Group Faculty
- LCME Standards | March 2022
- Step 1 Content
- USMLE Content Outline
- Underperforming Courses Policy
- Clinical Supervision Policy
- Exploration Year (CCE) Retesting & Remediation
- Inclement Weather Process
- T.H. Chan School of Medicine Credits
- OASIS Guides
- Academic Record Retention
- iCELs OSCE Review Policy
- eLIVE Professional Development
- Student Photographs
- Curriculum Resources
- Resident as Teacher
- OASIS Calendar
- OASIS Job Aids
- EHR Classroom
- Clerkship Evaluation Training
UMass Chan Faculty Handbook
- Student Absence Policy
- Curriculum Delivery | HyFlex
Vista Leadership Roles & Responsibilities
- Vista Leadership Roles | HOME
- Vista Pathway Inquiry & Concentration (Pathways)
- Vista Longitudinal Biomedical Topic (LBT)
- Vista Early Clinical Leadership (ECL)
- Vista Clinical Applications
- Vista Block Directors
- Vista Longitudinal Focus Topic (LFT)
- Vista Accelerated MD (aMD) Program
- Core Small Group Faculty (CSGF)
- EPC Curriculum Committee Leadership
- Early Clinical Learning Small Group Faculty
- LCME Standards | March 2022
- Step 1 Content
- USMLE Content Outline
- Underperforming Courses Policy
- Clinical Supervision Policy
- Exploration Year (CCE) Retesting & Remediation
- Inclement Weather Process
- T.H. Chan School of Medicine Credits
- OASIS Guides
- Academic Record Retention
- iCELs OSCE Review Policy
- eLIVE Professional Development
- Student Photographs
- Curriculum Resources
- Resident as Teacher
- OASIS Calendar
- OASIS Job Aids
- EHR Classroom
- Clerkship Evaluation Training
Gail March-Cohen PhD
© 2020 Educator Development Program materials are subject to copyright protection.
The Educator Development Program
The Educator Development Program assists the UMass Chan Medical School educators with increasing their teaching and learning effectiveness by providing a central location for medical education resources and self-guided online modules.
Medical Education Quick Modules: Click on the links below the photos to view a growing list of short, instructional modules. All Residents, Fellows, and other non-faculty instructors who teach UMass Chan students are asked to complete the survey at the end of each module to verify your participation for the medical school. In addition, please refer to the list of educational resources.
Click on the navigation items to the left and view ongoing MedEd events.

- An Easy Way to Write a Goal and Learning Objectives - an interactive module to set learning expectations for your class
- 5 Steps to Flip Your Class -- an interactive module describing a flipped classroom and how to create one
- Preparing and Delivering an Interactive Lecture
- Facilitating Small Group Sessions -- an interactive module introducing the facilitator's role and skills needed in small group learning sessions
- Zipinar: Introduction to Team Based Learning (TBL) -- a quick PDF overview describing the components of TBL and how to implement this teaching strategy
- Writing Board-Type Questions -- an interactive module guiding the writing of board-type multiple-choice questions
- Giving Effective Feedback
- Adding Gamification to Your Course
- Zipinar: Concept/Mind Maps -- a quick PDF overview of concept/mind maps
- Zipinar: EHR-C and CBL -- PDF quick overview of using EHR Classroom for case-based learning

Clinical Setting
- Teaching in the Clinical Years in the Modern Era - interactive module on orienting MS3s to clerkships
- Going Beyond Good Job Addressing Feedback in Clinical Medical Education - interactive module on giving effective feedback to medical students in the clinical environment
- Zipinar: Rubric for Evaluating Clinical Competencies -- a Zipinar (PDF) with quick information on writing rubrics
- Introducing the Clinical Student Performance Evaluation -interactive module on using the OASIS form
- Bedside Teaching
- Writing Helpful Narrative Comments for the SPE - interactive module on writing narrative comments for the OASIS Student Performance Evaluation
- Zipinar: Learner Feedback Challenges - an overview PDF of 5 challenging feedback cases with solutions

- Searching in the OASIS Database -- a Zipinar provides a quick overview of the 2 main searching methods
- Can Your Read My Slides? - Zipinar on the best practices to make your slide presentations more effective
- Adding TopHat to your Presentation -See what TopHat can do
- Best Basic Educational Practices Using Zoom - Introduction to Zoom to generate effective presentations
- Best Advanced Educational Practices Using Zoom -- Zoom functions to add collaboration and interactions to your presentations
- Building an Independent Learning Module - An interactive module on Articulate ILM components
Gail March-Cohen PhD
© 2020 Educator Development Program materials are subject to copyright protection.