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Course Resources

Office of Undergraduate Medical Education (OUME)

The vision of the OUME is to advance education, community and scholarship at UMass Chan Medical School. In doing so, we collaborate with partners including campus and community-based faculty, students, other UMass Chan Medical School offices, programs and departments; local and worldwide clinical and educational affiliates and community programs and advocates. We assist in the coordination and support innovation, quality improvement and excellence in all years of the T.H. Chan School of Medicine curriculum including a number of pathway and interprofessional courses and programs. In addition, the OUME sponsors specific courses and  educational programs such as Doctoring and Clinical Skills, Flexible Clinical Experiences, Transitions and the Capstone Scholarship and Discovery Courses; Global Health Pathway and Summer Research, Curriculum and Community Service Programs and supports the work of the Educational Policy Committee (EPC).Contact information: email, Main Office – Phone 508-856-2285, FAX 508-856-5536.

Institutional Research, Evaluation, & Assessment (IREA)

The Office of Institutional Research, Evaluation, and Assessment (IREA) provides direction and support to faculty and administrators in student assessment, curriculum evaluation, and medical education research. The IREA gathers, analyzes, and reports the data that supports numerous critical functions outlined in the medical school's mission including student exams and grading, administrative reporting (e.g., educational performance measures and quality indicators for mission-based management), course and clerkship evaluation, accreditation for LCME and NEASC, and outcomes to support grants and scholarly activity.

In the area of assessment, we consult on test construction, score examination data, conduct item and test analyses, and produce reports for students and faculty. In the area of curriculum evaluation, we provide instrument design and production services, data analyses, evaluation, interpretation of results, and reporting.

We conduct research in medical education, as well as consult and assist with research design, instrument design, data collection and analyses, interpretation of results, and preparation of abstracts and papers for submission to journals and conferences. Contact information: Main Office - Room S4-144: Phone 508-856-6009, Fax 508-856-5310.

Office of Student Affairs (OSA)

The Office of Student Affairs strives to promote a supportive and responsive environment where students find help coping with the academic, personal and social demands of graduate education. OSA nurtures a diverse culture inclusive to the sensitive needs of our students, staff, faculty and visitors.

The Office of Student Affairs also provides support for a variety of student activities, such as assignment of core clinical activities and fourth year studies, administration of the NRMP (National Residency Matching Program), Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS), VSAS (Visiting Student Application Service), Medical Student Performance Evaluations (MSPE), orientations to inform and prepare students for all four years of medical education, commencement, and graduation activities. Student Affairs also coordinates the Basic Science and Clinical Science Academic Evaluation Boards, Progress Board, administrative support for all student-run group and organizations as well as the Student Body Committee (student governance group). In these roles, the Office acts as an advisor both to students and faculty to help facilitate and carry out timely and informed decisions. Contact information: 508-856-2285 Fax: 508-856-5536, Email:, URL:

Lamar Soutter Library

Are you looking to implement a new pedagogy, find a medical education conference, or to publish your educational resource? The Medical education page provides links to books, medical images, journals, LCME standards, medical education conferences, news & alerts, OEA annual reports, and selected bibliographies. Join the discussion in medical education blogs listed here Contact for assistance: Regina Raboin, MLIS

Academic Instructional Design & Technology (AIDT)

The Academic Instructional Design & Technology team is part of the Academic Technology group within Information Technology (IT). This team provides services campus-wide across all schools. AIDT staff members are subject matter expertise information and instructional design, multimedia development, and the integration of technology tools and solutions for teaching and learning. The suite of services provided by AIDT website, and IT website.

AY22-23 Foundations Curriculum Implementation

The T.H. Chan School of Medicine has been working on a new curriculum to replace the LInC curriculum starting with the MS1 in AY22-23. For details about this new schedule of courses, please see the Curriculum ReVolution Initiative.


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