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Department of Neurology Clinic

Neuro Rehab

We applaud you for making a difference in our patients’ lives...every day. 

Your service to our community changes patients' lives and your daily service helps to improve their quality of life. 

We come to work, day-in and day-out, striving to treat each patient with the highest level of quality care, and it shows!

The UMass Medical School and UMass Memorial Medical Center Department of Neurology would like to share an ongoing success story of a 19-year-old male with a penetrating (TBI) traumatic brain injury who was treated by neurocritical care attendings, neurosurgeons, nurses, and neurology residents in the (ICU) Intensive Care Unit in January of 2020 due to a life-threatening penetrating head wound. 

The contributing factors of success for this patient include a variety of factors, which include qualitative medical treatment plans, compassionate care, critical analysis, strong listening skills, the ability to develop a relationship built on trust, and medical expertise which align with patient and family goals. 

Because of the quality of care you provided, the patient has returned to our clinic for out-patient support services.  

Today, when greeted by the Neurological Rehabilitation and Recovery Clinic staff, our patient shares, “I love coming to clinic.” 


In February of 2020, after one month of hospital care, this patient was discharged from the medical center in stable condition, showing progress to a long-term acute care hospital for further rehabilitative support. Unfortunately, the patient’s recovery did not progress at the facility during the COVID pandemic. The patient's mother returned to the Neurology Department’s Neurological Rehabilitation and Recovery Clinic in May of 2021 after discharging her son from the long-term care facility. Her success and relationship with the UMass Memorial Medical Center team brought her back to our clinic. 

Upon return, the Medical Center clinical staff performed a timely intake. The neurological rehabilitation team assessed the patient’s status, whose spasticity had his body wrapped like a pretzel. The assessments determine the patient needed surgical care to repair a dislocated hip, resulting from the spasticity. A treatment plan was initiated to include Botox treatment for temporary muscle relief, and pain management to treat the spasticity of the spine. The installation of an intrathecal baclofen pump trial (ITB) in the spring of 2022, an aggressive treatment option, was performed. The pump's purpose was to supply baclofen, a pain-relieving medication, directly to the spinal cord.  

The clinical staff’s profluent care and service empowers patients to find hope in a life they look forward to, through comprehensive procedures and treatment plans, which increase their quality of life.

Patients seen in the Neurology Clinic are treated with the goal of reaching and maintaining their full potential physically, mentally, emotionally, and vocationally. The treatment has proven to be a positive method to improve postural muscle tone showing considerable success allowing the patient to gain muscle flexibility. The collaborative effort by Neurology Critical Care, Neurological Rehabilitation, Neurosurgery teams, and the many clinical nurses and staff who operated as the boots on the ground for our patient, have been essential in the improved quality of life our patient has experienced. Today, the patient can sit upright and is being fitted for a wheelchair. 

Thank you for contributing to the increased quality of life and joy our patients feel working with our clinical team.  

Penetrating TBI from ICU to Clinic 

Andrew Galica, MD,
Department of Neurology, Neurocritical Care  
Neurological Rehabilitation and Recovery Clinic