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Dr. Sheldon Benjamin, MD, founded the UMass neurology/psychiatry residency program in 1997, as a new accredited program with the GME committee and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN), becoming the fourth program in the US to provide the 6-year academic and clinical training for double board-certified physicians. The other programs are the University of Texas Southwestern, in Dallas, New York University, and Medical University of South Carolina. Currently, neuropsychiatry training is not available in any other country outside of the US. As of 2020, a total of 1,361 double-board neurologist psychiatrists were certified, and recognize their approach treating conditions is different based on their access to diagnostic assessments. 

Winter 2024 publication: Dual Residency Training in Neurology and Psychiatry: History and Current Practice - PubMed

May 2021 publication: Combined Residency Programs in Psychiatry | Academic Psychiatry

August 2018 publication: Six Landmark Case Reports Essential for Neuropsychiatric Literacy | The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences

October 2016 publication: Clinical Neuropsychiatry | Focus

April 2014 publication: Neuropsychiatry and Neuroscience Milestones for General Psychiatry Trainees | Academic Psychiatry

June 2013 publication: Educating psychiatry residents in neuropsychiatry and neuroscience: International Review of Psychiatry: Vol 25 , No 3 - Get Access