Deep Sequencing Core
The Deep Sequencing Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017702) offers high-throughput sequencing and library-building services for the UMass campuses and outside customers. The facility operates several types of Illumina next-gen sequencers, and is closely integrated with the PacBio Core Enterprise and the Molecular Biology Core Labs. All three Cores work together to provide streamlined sample analysis services. (Click on the logos at the left to visit the websites of the other facilities.) See the Services page for detailed Deep Sequencing run options.
**Tickets and forms for sample submission can be found here on our Submission page.
Pricing, Support, and Other Details

For a sequencing pricing list, details on specific services, scheduling, or a quote for services, please email us your inquiry.
The Core provides service to both internal and external customers. For small and medium businesses, the Massachusetts State Innovation Voucher Program allows access to Core facilities in the UMass system.
Information about grant support letters can be found on our Grant Support page.
The UMass Chan Deep Sequencing Core Labs would be pleased to have you mention us in the acknowledgements section of any publications or presentations of data generated with our support. Our Research Resource Identifier is RRID:SCR_017702.
Join Email List or Send a Suggestion

Contact us if you would like to be added to our email list for news and service updates.
We try to keep our Resources section relevant. If you have a protocol or publication that you found useful, or a request for something you think would be beneficial on the website, please email us at
Other Useful Information

Drop-off locations:
Samples can be left in the labeled fridges at these locations
for 11:00 AM pickup each business day:
N2 freezer bay near the main lobby elevators
LRB 6th floor mailroom
We are also available by appointment if you need to visit with us.
Our shipping address for off-campus customers is
Rose-Gordon Bldg. Rm. 141, 222 Maple Ave, Shrewsbury, MA, 01545.
Helpful Links:
For Illumina library building and indexing help, see our Resources page.
Tips for library troubleshooting and optimization.
A list of frequently asked questions and answers.
There is an updated list of oligo sequences for Illumina library construction. If you are a UMass investigator and wish to obtain a copy, please send an email to and request "the latest Illumina adapter sequences list".
Pricing and Payment Policy

Please email to get a quote for your desired services.
Processing and analyzing a sample requires time and reagents. Payment for these services is the responsibility of the user submitting the sample and should be rendered in a timely fashion. In the event of a reagent or equipment failure, the samples will be rerun at the next possible opportunity at no additional charge.
Clients withdrawing samples prior to the analysis run will be charged a fee to recover QC assay costs. For the return of archived post-analysis samples, clients will be charged a delivery fee per sample.
A signed submission ticket or email authorization indicates that the holder of the account to be charged consents to payment in accordance with this policy.
Inclement Weather Policy

In case of extreme and/or inconvenient weather or campus closures, the machines will still be running but we may not be here for sample login or pickup. Please email us to arrange for sample drop-off if the weather is questionable. The DSCL, MBCL, & PBCE are closed when UMass Chan is on "inclement weather alert".