Listen to Jack's story

Seven-year-old Jack Laidlaw, the oldest of three boys, is upbeat and friendly to everyone he meets, according to his parents, Anna and Richard Laidlaw. But Jack faces challenges due to a rare disorder he cannot yet comprehend. His parents are determined to remain hopeful and create a better future for him despite his diagnosis of hereditary spastic paraplegia type 4 (SPG4). 

“We will do anything to get this cure for Jack.”

- Anna Laidlaw

What is SPG4?

SPG4 is a rare, inherited, neurodegenerative disease that causes progressive muscle stiffness and weakness in the legs. More than half of individuals with SPG4 have weakness in the legs and a decreased ability to sense vibration at the ankles.  

  • Anna, Jack and Richard Laidlaw, hold hands during their podcast interview.Anna, Jack and Richard Laidlaw, hold hands during their podcast interview. Photo: Bryan Goodchild

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Learn more about the Laidlaw family and their efforts to support SPG4 research.


SPG4 research and treatment for Jack 

Additional information about Jack 

To learn more about hereditary spastic paraplegia, patient advocacy and research, visit the following resources:   

UMass Chan Medical School

Boston Children’s Hospital, Spastic Paraplegia – Centers of Excellence Research Network

Cure SPG4 Foundation

Spastic Paraplegia Foundation, Inc.

Mauray Koduri Foundation

The Lilly and Blair Foundation

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