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Spotlight on Gene Therapy: finding a Cure

Chris Mueller receives 2016 Angel Fund for ALS Research Angel Award

Monday, August 29, 2016
By:  Florie Borel

2016 Angel Fund Gala

Like every year, the Mueller Lab attended the 2016 Angel Fund for ALS Research annual gala. This fundraiser benefit the Angel Fund, which support the ALS research labs at the UMass Chan Medical School, including our own lab.

2016 Angel Fund Mueller lab

The Mueller Lab for Gene Therapy at the 2016 Angel Fund gala, from left to right, Gabriela Toro, Rachel Stock, Gabriella Oliveira, Kelsie Nunes, Dr Chris Mueller, Dr Florie Borel

2016 Angel Award goes to Chris Mueller

At the end of the night, Chris Mueller received the 2016 Angel Award for his contribution to ALS research! This rewards his advances in the field of gene therapy for ALS, and in particular the development of a preclinical program for SOD1-linked ALS. To read more on this program, click here.

"I am honored to be an Angel Award recipient" Dr Mueller said, adding that he remains "very grateful for the continued support of the Angel Fund without whom the gene therapy program for ALS would not have been able to progress at this pace".

2016 Angel Award Angel Fund Chris Mueller

Dr Mueller receiving his Angel Award from Rich Kennedy, President of the Angel Fund for ALS Research