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Software for DNA Sequence Viewing and Editing

Sequencing Chromatagram image
Windows PC

SeqScanner - Available from

  1. Select Support, drag-down to Software and Downloads
  2. On next page scroll down the menu bar to Sequence Scanner V1.0 and proceed to download.
  3. You will need to enter your email and the machine type (ABI 3730xl)

GENEIOUS - (We like this one!) A free 14-day trial is available.

NCBI Genome Workbench - Lots of great tools for searching, alignments, viewing alignments, and phylogenic trees.

Chromas - Free from Technelysium

Mac OS X

GENEIOUS - (We like this one!) A free 14-day trial is available.

NCBI Genome Workbench - Lots of great tools for searching, alignments, viewing alignments, and phylogenic trees.

4Peaks - Free from Nucleobytes

FinchTV - View chromatogram files

UMass Chan Keyserver Applications

UMass Chan Medical School labs may obtain a keyserver license for MacVector or DSGene. These apps open chromatograms and have other utilities for a nominal fee. Arrangements for this should be made with IT (through the HelpDesk).

GeneMapper and Fragment Analysis

Peak Scanner (PC only) - Available from
Search by name or use catalog# 4381867
( Manual available here )

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If you can recommend an analysis package, a link of interest, or other resource, please send us a note at

UMass Chan Deep Sequencing Core logo linking to website

UMass Chan PacBio Core logo linking to website