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Philip Soglo

Philip was born in Accra Ghana (the Black Stars of Africa). He earned his BS (Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology) in 2019 and MPhil (Medical Biochemistry) in 2023 at the University of Ghana. Both his undergrad and master's thesis focused on characterizing the genetic variants of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency among pregnant women living in Accra. He worked as a research assistant at the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP) under Dr Lucas Amenga-Etego (2021-2023). Currently Philip’s PhD research involves developing a high-throughput cost-effective method for quantifying gene expression directly from cell lysates using targeted amplicon sequencing. Outside of science, Philip loves to write and read novels, watch anime, movies, basketball, football (soccer), listen to music, and occasionally play the keyboard. He also loves to explore and have conversations about arts and culture. Philip is mostly quiet, but a good conversation can get him going!