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                     Welcome to the Watts Group                     

What We Do

We work at the interface of synthetic organic chemistry and studies of modulation of gene expression in cells and organisms. We think nucleic acids are about the most amazing molecules out there – what other class of molecule can be synthesized, copied, read and translated? Or which other class of molecule can swap between functional, complex secondary structures and predictable, linear, readable duplex structure? Nucleic acid chemical biology gives us unique opportunities to interact with cellular processes, to treat and diagnose disease. Our goal is to harness chemistry and biology to help make oligonucleotides a major class of drugs.


Support Our Next Breakthrough

For decades, scientists at UMass Chan have been pioneers in RNA biology and leading innovators in the development of information-based therapeutics: cutting-edge therapeutic tools that leverage our understanding of the human genome in ways that are revolutionizing how we treat disease. With your support, we are poised to unleash their power, and change the world for the better.