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"Speaking of Vitiligo..."

A New Hope for Repigmentation: JAK Inhibitors and Vitiligo

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Vitiligo causes patches of skin to lose pigment and can be frustrating to manage. Recent advancements have brought promising new treatment options to the table. JAK inhibitors are one such innovation, offering a chance to regain lost skin color.

What are JAK Inhibitors?

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors are a class of medications that target specific enzymes (JAK proteins) involved in signaling pathways that drive the immune system. By inhibiting these enzymes, JAK inhibitors can modulate the immune response, making them effective in treating various inflammatory conditions.

How Can JAK Inhibitors Help with Vitiligo?

In vitiligo, the immune system mistakenly attacks normal melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells in your skin. This attack leads to the white patches characteristic of the condition. JAK inhibitors work by interrupting the immune system signals that trigger this attack. With these signals blocked, melanocytes can function normally and even repopulate the skin where they have been killed, leading to repigmentation of the affected areas.

JAK Inhibitors for Vitiligo: Current Options and Future Possibilities

The good news is that there is progress in utilizing JAK inhibitors for vitiligo. Here's a glimpse into the current landscape:

  • Ruxolitinib (Opzelura): This topical JAK inhibitor is the first FDA-approved treatment for vitiligo. Applied directly to the affected areas, it offers a targeted approach with potentially fewer side effects compared to oral JAK inhibitors.

Looking Ahead

Opzelura is just the first member of the JAK family to be approved for treating vitiligo. As a topical, it has the advantage of localized treatment, providing greater safety. However, it is difficult to treat large areas of skin with a topical, and is only approved for use on up to 10% of a patient’s skin surface (your hand with fingers represents about 1%, so that’s 10 “hands” worth). In fact, I have found that my patients have difficulty using it on more than 5% of their skin, because it can be messy and challenging to manage.

Four additional members of the JAK inhibitor family are being tested as oral treatments for vitiligo – these include ritlecitinib, upadacitinib, povorcitinib, and baricitinib. You might recognize that their names sound similar, and that’s because they all belong to the same drug family. The suffix “-inib” means “inhibitor” and “-citinib” is used to denote “JAK inhibitors”. I’m actually not sure why ruxolitinib doesn’t contain the “c”, but it’s all pretty complex. In any case, the four JAK inhibitors described above have been tested in Phase 2 clinical trials and appear to be advancing to Phase 3 trials, which means the Phase 2 showed good results. Phase 3 trials are required for FDA approval, which is the step when they become available to patients through prescription.

So, if you’re adventurous and excited to try new treatments, you may be able to find one of these trials near you in the near future. If you prefer to wait until the drugs have been tested in more people, then you can wait for the approval, likely in about 2-3 years. Just remember that oral treatments mean more of the drug is in the blood, so there is a greater potential for side effects, although the risk is still quite low. It is important to have a conversation with your dermatologist to determine the right treatment strategy for you.

The Future of Vitiligo Treatment

JAK inhibitors offer a promising avenue for treating vitiligo and managing its symptoms. With ongoing research and development, we can expect even more advancements in this field, bringing greater hope for repigmentation and improved quality of life for vitiligo patients.

Important Note - It's crucial to consult a dermatologist to determine if JAK inhibitors are a suitable option for your vitiligo. They can assess your individual needs, discuss potential side effects, and create a personalized treatment plan.