Community Wellness
Here are some ways to engage with the community!
Salsa Performance Cycle with Raices Latin Dance Website: |
Tango, Swing, Waltz & more Website: |
College and Adult Hip-Hop Class Tuesdays 7-8pm Central Mass Dance Academy Website: |
Rock Climbing
Beginner Rock Climbing
No commitment or contract required. For one full month receive: unlimited rental gear, full gym access, yoga classes, fitness classes, climbing technique classes and a complimentary introduction to climbing class. This is for first time members only. Cost: $49
Central Rock Gym
299 Barber Avenue
Worcester, MA 01606
Phone: 508-852-7625
Zen Buddhist Training and Practice
Morning Practice is held Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 8 AM
Evening Practice is held Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7 PM to 8 PM and Sundays from 7 PM to 8:30 PM.
Tai Chi & Qjgong
Basics of Tai Chi and Qigong Level 1
Level 1 (7-8PM) In this class we will learn practices to develop balance, relaxation, rooting into the earth and fluidity of movement. These qualities are some of the inner components of all tai chi and qigong practices. Beginners as well as those with established practices are welcome. $60
Address: 1015 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA 01602
Phone: 774-243-6800
Nature Walks
Green Hill Park Paved walking/running area with rolling hills, Green Hill Pond with small animal farm and MA Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial (both free) 50 Skyline Dr, Worcester, MA 01605 Website: |
Wachusett Mountain State Reservation Recreational opportunities abound at the reservation including hiking, nature study, hawk watching, picnicking, and skiing. From the summit, a clear day reveals views of Mt. Monadnock in New Hampshire, the Berkshires to the west, and the Boston skyline to the east. The Reservation's natural resources include forests, alpine meadows, ponds, streams, fields, and even a perched bog. 345 Mountain Rd. Website: |
Ecotarium: Museum of Science and Nature The EcoTarium is a family-friendly, indoor-outdoor museum located in Worcester, Massachusetts. We offer three floors of interactive exhibits, exciting shows in the digital planetarium, daily Science Discovery programs, live animal habitats, hikes through forest and meadow nature trails, outdoor imaginative play, and a train ride around the grounds (seasonal). Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Cost: $14 for college students with valid ID Website: |
Worcester Art Museum Wednesday-Friday, Sunday: 11am-5pm Cost: College Students with ID: $12 / Free on the third Thursday of each month, FREE FIRST Saturday Mornings - The first Saturday of each month: 10am-noon Website: |
Free Museum Passes through Lamar Soutter Library Check out the free or reduced cost museum passes that our UMass Chan Library offers here.
Reiki-Infused-Yoga Wednesdays from 6:45 PM-8:00 PM Flowforms Yoga Website: |
Yin Yoga & Meditation Mondays from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Union Street Yoga Website: