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aMD Accelerated MD Program

The aMD Accelerated MD Program at the T.H. Chan School of Medicine is designed for a select group of learners committed to a career in one of the following generalist specialties: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine or Pediatrics; and who seek to accelerate the path through medical training (or to residency).

Interested students can attend an information session in the first few weeks after enrollment; applications will be accepted in the fall of the first semester for students to begin in the spring.

If you have any questions regarding the aMD, please contact the Director of the Accelerated MD Program, Mark Vining MD, at

  • “As UMass Chan is consistently well ranked in primary care education, the accelerated program provides a fast track to my goal of providing high-quality, community-level care. Before most of my class, I got impactful clinical experience by completing my family medicine clerkship at Barre Family Health Center between my first and second year.”

    Jason Denoncourt, aMD student

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UMass Chan offers accelerated three-year MD program

In a new Voices of UMass Chan podcast, learn about the new Accelerated MD Program at UMass Chan.

Listen to the podcast