For analysis we currently have four BD LSRII cytometers equipped with 3, 4, or 5 lasers and HTS, 2 Cytek Aurora spectral analyzers with 4 lasers (and HTS) and 3 lasers, 3 laser BD Celesta with HTS, MACSQuant VYB with 3 lasers and HTS, and an Amnis FlowSight imaging cytometer. Our cell sorters include a 5-laser BD FACSAria Fusion, 4 FACS Aria II/IIu with various capabilities a 4 laser Sony SH800 and a 3-laser BD FACSMelody. Sorters are available for BSL-2 through BSL-3 conditions.
All of our instruments other than the BSL-3 sorter are available for investigator self-use after training is completed. We encourage all investigators to come to the main lab at S5-322 and learn how flow cytometry can be applied to their research.