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Resident Wellness

Radiology Residents took a break recently enjoying a trip to Mt. Wachusett and splurging with ice cream sundaes during Resident Appreciation Week.

Wachusett Mountain Day on the Slopes

Residents Ski Mt Wachusett

Residents, faculty and staff day on the slopes of Mt. Wachusett.  Some skied and some showed their snowboarding skills.

Resident Appreciation Week

Resident Appreciation Day 2018

GME sponsored an ice-cream sundae social during Resident Appreciation Week. Chief Resident Anna Kuhn receives scoops from Gabi Carbone, Radiology Residency Coordinator and Kathy Delongchamp, Radiology Fellowship Coordinator.

In an effort to align our department with the wellness mission of the school, we have been incorporating more fun activities for our Radiology Residents. The ski trip and ice cream social are just a few examples of how we try to help our residents de-stress.