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Core Research Areas

Effective collaborations of the UMass Department of Psychiatry and the Bedford VA Medical Center are evident in our group’s ongoing research projects, where the UMass-VA team’s shared commitment to addressing the unique needs of veterans results in advancements in both clinical practice and scholarship. Broad accomplishments of this group since 2007 include 2 new career awardees, 4 new post-doctoral fellows, the recruitment of talented new faculty and UMass involvement in more than $17 million worth of research. Our group is currently participating in the 19 projects listed below.

  1. Co-occurring Disorder Treatment Research Area

    1. MISSION-Vet/GTO HUD-VASH Hybrid Implementation/Effectiveness Trial
    2. HUD-VASH Case Management Substance Use Disorder Treatment Augmentation Randomized Control Trial
    3. Ending Chronic Homelessness through Permanent Housing, Integrated Treatment, Case Management, and Peer Support in Western and Central Massachusetts: The MASS-MISSION program
  2. Manual Development Projects

    1. MISSION Manual Development Project for Veteran Providers and Consumers
    2. HUD-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Resource Guide Development for Program Case Managers
    3. Veteran Supported Education Service Treatment Manual
  3. Peer Support Program Area

    1. Improving Outcomes for Homeless Veterans with Peer Support
    2. Aligning Resources for the Care of Homeless Veterans (Adding Peer Support to VA Primary Care settings)
  4. Supported Education

    1. Supporting Education (SEd) Goals of OIF/OEF Veterans with PTSD: Curriculum Development, Pilot Process, and Outcome
    2. Pre-implementation Planning on SEd in Homelessness Prevention Demonstration Program
  5. Mobile Technology Research Projects

    1. Develop survey to explore types of technology homeless Veterans typically access
    2. Test feasibility mobile devices as a relapse prevention tool via real time monitoring
  6. Anti-Stigma Research Projects

    1. Qualitative exploration of self-stigma in treatment engagement of homeless veterans with co-occurring disorders
    2. Anti-Stigma Public Service Announcement
  7. Criminal Justice Projects

    1. MISSION DIRECT VET: Federally Funded Jail Diversion and Homeless Prevention Trauma Recovery Program for Veterans
  8. Housing Placement and Retention

    1. Safe Haven for mentally ill Veterans with co-occurring disorder
    2. Housing First initiative that includes a shift in programming to incorporate the rapid placement of Veterans in housing and intensive wraparound services
    3. HUD-VASH Exiter Study: Evaluation of HUD-VASH clients who leave program early