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Law and Psychiatry Clinical and Consultation Services

The Law and Psychiatry Program, under a contract with DMH, is responsible for provision of all forensic evaluation services and violence risk assessment consultations at Worcester Recovery Center and Hospital, Tewksbury Hospital, and hospitals in Western Massachusetts that contract with DMH.  These evaluations are conducted primarily by Law and Psychiatry faculty, and include issues of:  competence to stand trial, criminal responsibility (insanity defense), aid-in-sentencing, prisoners in need of treatment, civil commitment, and violence risk assessments.  This service provides over 900 such evaluations a year, and serves as a training site for Forensic Psychology Residents, Forensic Psychiatry Fellows, Psychiatry Residents, and Psychology Interns. 

The Law & Psychiatry faculty members consult on forensic cases around the United States and testify to state and U.S. legislatures. Faculty members also consult nationwide to criminal and juvenile justice systems to improve their practices with adults and adolescents who come before the courts. Under the supervision of faculty, trainees also have opportunities to provide evaluations in civil matters, such as psychiatric disability claims, as well as consultation/liaison services to civil hospitals.