David Smelson, PsyD
David Smelson, PsyD is Professor of Psychiatry and Vice Chair of Clinical Research in the Department of Psychiatry of the UMass Chan Medical School. Dr. Smelson is also the Director of Translational research of the Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital. He is the Director of Dual Diagnosis for the Veterans Affairs New England Health Care System (Network 1). Dr. Smelson has extensive experience with human research in cocaine addiction, including cue-exposure, medication development and behavioral therapy studies, and wide-ranging experience in the peripheral neurobiological markers involving the visual system and more recently the genetics of addiction. He is currently the Principal Investigator on four federal grants, including a VA HSR&D Grant # IIR-020-145, SAMHSA # TI16576, NIH-NCCAM # AT001350 NIH-NIDA # DA020434-01.