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2nd Tuesday of the Month


Albert Sherman Center (AS9-2072)

The BRIDGE Research in Progress workgroup provides an informal setting for new and experienced researchers to share nascent ideas or research-in-progress and to receive just-in-time feedback. Do you have an emerging idea for a grant or manuscript? Come share your research ideas and let us help you!


· Develop a rough idea into specific aims

· Receive rapid feedback on specific aims

· Refine ones study design

· Receive advice on a data analysis plan

· Obtain feedback on results

· Receive counsel on framing a discussion section

· Mock study section

· Get help framing rebuttal to reviewers' comments

· Practice ones podium presentation for national conference


Quantitative Health Sciences faculty will participate in all sessions. This working group is available to students, residents, fellows, and junior and senior faculty throughout UMass Chan. All investigators interested in discussing current and emerging research ideas are welcome.

Email to sign up for a presentation slot. If you are working on a deadline, let us know so we can adjust the schedule to accommodate more urgent needs!