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Parking Rules


The Parking and Access Control Department makes every effort to respond fairly to the requests and inquiries pertaining to the UMass Chan Medical School and the Medical Center. Regulations are enforced to ensure an adequate distribution of available parking spaces for employees, faculty, staff, and students as well as patients and visitors. We ask that you read this document thoroughly, as the information provided will ensure a smooth parking experience. 

Employee Parking

  • Parking is assigned based on your seniority at UMass and how long you’ve been enrolled in our parking program.
  • All new employees are assigned to the plantation street garage and are on a waiting list, based on seniority, to park on-site in the pine tree lot.
  • To be eligible for the reserved parking waiting list, you must currently be parking in the pine tree lot.

To CANCEL PARKING DEDUCTIONS, return your hanging tag to our office. It is the responsibility of each employee to check if the proper parking deduction is being deducted to avoid past due or overcharged parking fees. NO REIMBURSEMENTS ARE PROVIDED FOR EMPLOYEE’S OVERSIGHT.

Usage of Patient & Visitor Parking Garage (South Garage)

Employees who have reserved parking in the South Garage and have the appropriate hanging tag, are authorized to park in the Patient/Visitor Garage on either the roof top or lower level. Employees who are not assigned to the South Garage and do not have reserved parking are not authorized to park in the Patient/Visitor Garage. All faculty, staff, students and affiliates who are here as a patient or visitor must take a parking ticket upon entry to the patient/visitor garage and pay upon exiting. When parking is needed as a patient/visitor you are required to notify the Parking Office at 508-856-6360 or email to avoid a parking ticket of $50.00 from our Parking Enforcement Officers.  If you have an appointment and then are scheduled to work, we ask that you please park in your regular parking assignment. 

Employee Handicap Parking 

All handicapped placards must be brought to the Parking Office located on the first floor of the Medical School Building to register as a handicapped parker. We will take a photocopy of your placard. Handicapped employees park for free in any handicap location on the UMass campus, not including in front of the Benedict Building (this area is for patients only). 

Parking Registration & Parking Hangtags

UMass parking hanging tags are used to authorize your vehicle to be parked in a specified location. Tags should be displayed visibly from the rear-view mirror with numbers facing outward, no exceptions. Failure to properly display your assigned parking tag will result in a parking violation. UMass parking hanging tags are provided when you sign up for parking access at our office.

  • The make/model/color and plate number are required when registering your vehicle.
  • Parking tags are to be displayed from your rear-view mirror 24/7 when parked on campus.
  • Only one tag per person is allowed, however you may register up to two vehicles.
  • The replacement cost for a parking hanging tag is $5.00. If your tag becomes damaged or faded, you may exchange it at the parking Office for no charge.
  • Tag holders should let the Parking Office know of any vehicle changes. 
  • Parking tag owners may park only one vehicle in the location they are assigned. 
  • Fraudulent parking tags can and will lead to losing your parking privileges or parking reassignment.
  • Temporary parking tags have an expiration date and should be renewed before they expire.
  • If you do not have your tag displayed when parked on UMass property, please let us know at 508-856-3630 or We will let the Enforcement Officers know not to ticket you. 

Parking Accommodations:

  • For any medical accommodation, please contact The Office of Management's Accommodations Director or the Parking Office at 

Student Parking

  • Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Students who receive stipends should sign up for parking deductions of $8.00 biweekly. If you no longer need parking access, please return your hanging tag to the Parking Office.
  • GSON Students are required to pay a yearly rate of $208.00 for parking.
  • Medical Students 1st & 2nd year are required to prepay for parking at a yearly rate of $208.00. Parking will be at the Plantation St Garage. 
  • Medical Students 3rd & 4th years can either prepay for the year at a rate of $208.00 or prepay at a minimum rate of $16.00 for 4 weeks of parking.   

Motorcycle & Motor Scooter Registration

  • You must already be signed up and paying for parking to register your motorcycle/motor scooter.
  • Parking for motorcycles/motor scooters is in the West Garage Level 5 ONLY
  • Please do not swipe your badge but go around the gate as it will not register you and the gate will not open to park in UMass garages.

No Motorcycles/motor scooters are allowed in the South Garage.   

Cross Campus Parking

Cross campus parking privileges are approved by UMass Memorial. Please call 508-334-6546 for instructions   

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

To register as an EV driver, please visit the Parking Office to obtain an EV sticker for your hanging tag. Written guidelines are available at the Parking. Any further questions or concerns should be directed to  

ID Badge & Parking Tag

  • Replacement cost for a lost ID badge is $10.00 (non-refundable).
  • Please do not make any holes in your ID badge (replacement will be $10.00).
  • Replacement for a lost parking tag is $5.00
  • It is your responsibility to return your ID badge and parking tag to the Parking office when you leave the University or the Medical Center.
  • When you request a new ID badge or replacement badge, please inform us of any of the following changes BEFORE your ID badge is printed. Failure to do so will result in an additional 10.00 charge.
  • Title Change
  • Department change
  • Name Change (needs to be full legal name on badge)
  • Credentials
  • Updated photo  

Parking Violations & Appeal Forms

  • The account holder will be held responsible if they share their tag. Tags should not be shared. 
  • Valet parking areas are prohibited 24/7. Valet services are provided for patients and visitors only. 
  • Vehicles parked in unauthorized areas will be ticketed/towed at the owner’s expense. Please note that there are signs indicating these areas, which includes fire lanes.
  • Parking violations must be paid online by credit card. Please use the full URL website name You can also pay your parking ticket at the Parking office located on the first floor of the Medical School during office hours (Monday - Friday 8AM - 4PM). At the Parking office we only accept Cash or Money Order for ticket payments.
  • Appeal forms can be found on the website Appeals of parking violations must be received within 21 days of the date the violations was issued. Qualifying appeals will be given to the Parking Clerk for review. A notification will be sent to you with the result either by mail or email. 

Please park where you are assigned to avoid a fine

Question or concerns about parking tickets/violations?

Please contact