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Institutional Research, Evaluation & Assessment

The Office of Institutional Research, Evaluation, and Assessment (IREA) provides direction and support to faculty and administrators in student assessment, curriculum evaluation, and medical education research. We serve the education research and evaluation needs of the T.H. Chan School of Medicine, Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing, Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Office of Graduate Medical Education, and a number of other school offices including the Office of the Dean and Office of the Chancellor.

We gather, analyze, and report the data that supports numerous critical functions outlined in the medical school's mission including student exams and grading, administrative reporting (e.g., educational performance measures and quality indicators for mission-based management), course and clerkship evaluation, accreditation for LCME and NECHE, and outcomes to support grants and scholarly activity.

In the area of assessment, we consult on test construction, score examination data, conduct item and test analyses, and produce reports for students and faculty. In the area of curriculum evaluation, we provide instrument design and production services, data analyses, evaluation, interpretation of results, and reporting.

We conduct research in medical education, as well as consult and assist with research design, instrument design, data collection and analyses, interpretation of results, and preparation of abstracts and papers for submission to journals and conferences.