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Center for Academic Achievement (CAA)

Our goal is to help all learners in the T.H. Chan School of Medicine, Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing, Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and Graduate Medical Education achieve the most comprehensive and meaningful educational experience possible.  We encourage you to access the resources of the Center for Academic Achievement.

The CAA is made up of the Center for Academic Achievement, as well as Academic Enrichment Programs which work together in order to provide comprehensive services to students, residents, and fellows.  Students seen for academic enrichment may be encouraged to receive clinical enrichment services and vice versa.


Clinical students, GSBS students, Residents, and Fellows should contact Deanna Richmond or Lisa Shay for the following concerns:

  • Clinical skills related to working on the wards
  • Clinical interviewing
  • Clinical problem solving and decision making
  • Patient communication
  • Patient oral presentation
  • Patient notes
  • Performance on OSCEs and Shelf exams
  • Independent Study Courses
  • Study skills as related to clinical work
  • Step 2 CK, Step 3, COMLEX, In-Service Training exams, and Board Certification exams. This includes concerns relating to developing a study schedule, effective study techniques, clinical problem-solving, or fund of knowledge.


Students in the Blackstone, Brightwood, Burncoat, Grafton Hill, and Tatnuck Learning Communities should contact Nicole Albion for the concerns below.

Students in the Kelley, Laurel, Quinsigamond, and Walden Learning Communities should contact Lara Obadowski.

  • Performance in courses
  • Test taking and study skills
  • Time management and Organization skills
  • Error analysis of exams
  • Memorization
  • Reading comprehension
  • Note taking
  • Step 1 preparation


Nursing students should contact Erin Stratton for the following concerns:

  • Performance in nursing classes and class exams
  • NCLEX and other nursing exams
  • Time management and organization skills
  • Test-taking and study skills. Developing a study schedule, effective study techniques, clinical problem-solving, or fund of knowledge.
  • Communication in the clinical and academic setting including hand-off report, patient communication, SBAR communication, and course or program presentations.

How we operate

We generally begin by meeting with the client in order to develop a needs assessment which lays the groundwork for the collaborative development of an individualized educational plan. We decide together how often to meet and how to proceed. Sometimes a few sessions is all that is needed and at other times a one month Clinical Skills Elective is chosen.

Please note that we strive to provide the best possible academic support services for all our students.  In order to do this, we ask that if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment,  please make every effort to do so with at least 24 hours’ notice.  A pattern of failure to cancel or reschedule your appointments in a timely manner or failure to show up for your scheduled appointments, may result in a professionalism warning.

Updated AUG 2024 | las