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MD/PhD student Peter Cruz-Gordillo matches into neurosurgery residency on Match Day 2022

UMass Chan Medical School MD/PhD student Peter Cruz-Gordillo was overjoyed to match into his first choice as a neurosurgery resident at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. Cruz-Gordillo learned his residency destination at Match Day 2022 on Friday, March 18. He is engaged to be married in May to Canary Ly, a student in the Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing, also graduating this spring.

Cruz-Gordillo is interested in understanding and treating brain tumors and performing neurosurgery.

Born in Puerto Rico of Cuban and Puerto Rican descent, he is the first in his family to attend college and medical school, coming to UMass Chan after earning his undergraduate degree in neuroscience and biochemistry at Duke University and working at the Broad Institute for several years.

In addition to meeting his rigorous academic requirements, Cruz-Gordillo has filled student leadership roles during his UMass Chan tenure as president of the Student Body Committee and member of the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees.

When the COVID pandemic struck, he worked to produce hand sanitizer in large quantities for local hospitals and volunteered at the DCU Field Hospital. Tragically, he lost his father and grandmother to COVID-19.

Hear more of Cruz-Gordillo’s story in this video.

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