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Construction continues on schedule for the new clinical building on the UMass Medical School campus that will house the VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System’s new community-based outpatient clinic.
Demolition of the former Massachusetts Department of Transportation District 3 complex adjacent to the UMMS campus is complete. While most of the demolition debris has been hauled away, the remaining concrete and stone will be crushed on site and reused as fill. Crushing is expected to begin during the week of May 4.
Also on Monday, May 4, travel along South Road in the vicinity of the South Road Garage will be restricted to one lane for construction of an underground drainage line related to the project. A temporary walkway will be maintained around the construction. That work is expected to continue through Friday, May 8.
The VA project also includes a significant expansion to the South Road Garage. Enabling work for the expansion is now underway with the modification of the main vehicle entrance on the west side of the building. That area will be become both an entrance and exit. The approach road is being widened to accommodate two-way traffic. New parking gates, ticket dispensers and payment kiosks in the garage lobby will be installed. The garage modifications are expected to be completed in July.
For more information on the project, visit: www.umassmed.edu/va