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‘A Picture of Serenity’ is the newest Artist in Residence installment

  An abstract work by artist Parijata Jain.

An abstract work by artist Parijata Jain

The artwork of Parijata Jain is featured in the current installment of the Artist in Residence series at the Lamar Soutter Library. The works will be on display on the first floor of the library from April 3 through May 30.

Jain’s creations are inspired by the positive energy she feels in nature. “Getting outside is good for soul. I bring the inside out and outside in through my art work,” said Jain, who is married to Rohit Jain, PhD, a postdoc in the lab of C. Robert Matthews, PhD, the Arthur F. and Helen P. Koskinas Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology and chair and professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology.

According to her artist’s statement, Jain’s paintings are abstract forms, textures and colors, which upon closer observation, represent a recognizable figure or group of figures.

“My recent works are focused on feelings of different seasons. I am from India, and experiencing a beautiful fall, summer and snowy winter here in Worcester have been inspiring subjects for me,” said Jain.

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