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Neurohumanities at UMass Chan

Neurology attempts to understand the biological basis of our humanity. At the same time, neurological conditions profoundly impact our humanity. The practice of neurology requires a curiosity about the person, the disease, and the ability to listen to and hear stories. 

UMass Chan Neurology Residency Program's dedicated Neurohumanities curriculum, created by Dr. Rapheal Carandang, focuses on the following objectives: 

  • re-emphasizing the humanistic aspects of medical practice
  • the importance and influence of perspectives, behaviors, and feelings related to the practice of neurology
  • self-awareness and the impact of our perspectives on others 
  • exploring the intersection of art and neurology medicine 
  • how neurology positively impacts the world

Each month residents and faculty gather to discuss topics such as mindful medical practice, neurology and literature, burnout prevention, communication skills on how to deliver bad news/feedback/conflict resolution, neurology and art, the symphony of the brain, and numerous other sessions led by outside guests and our own neurology faculty. 

2023 Neurohumanities Seminars