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Faculty and Staff Recognitions

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Images from the Annual Jingle Bell Run

Rheumatology Jingle Joggers Exceed Goal at Annual Jingle Bell Run

On December 8, 2024, the Arthritis Foundation held its annual Jingle Bell Run to help raise funds and awareness for arthritis. Karen Salomon-Escoto, MD, associate professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology, and her team, the UMass Rheumatology Jingle Joggers, exceeded their $5,000 goal at this year’s event. Dr. Salomon-Escoto, who was also recognized as a “Medical Honoree”, spoke to attendees and thanked them for their ongoing support.

Learn more about the Jingle Bell Run and Dr. Salomon-Escoto's recognition.

Left to right, back row: Drs. Tanenbaum, Zemel, Bassaly, Miett, and Feldman  Left to right, front row: Drs. Sadaniantz, Gu, and Blau

Internal Medicine Residents Receive Fellowship Matches

In early December, the Internal Medicine and Medicine/Pediatrics Residencies had outstanding fellowship matches including four residents who will continue their training in Cardiovascular Medicine, Gastroenterology, and HIV Primary Care at UMass. We congratulate all the residents and wish them the very best in the next step of their training!

View the list of matches and their specialties.

Digital Medicine Society Announces New Connected Health Collaborative Community

The Digital Medicine Society has announced the launch of the Connected Health Collaborative Community, co-hosted with the Consumer Technology Association and with the Program in Digital Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School as the founding Impact Sponsor.

Read the story in Yahoo! Finance.

Cardiovascular physicians and staff cutting the ribbon at the Leominster Cardiology grand opening

Grand Opening of Leominster Cardiology Celebrated with Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

UMass Memorial HealthAlliance-Clinton Hospital recently celebrated the grand opening of Leominster Cardiology with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and welcomed Ramprakash Devadoss, MD, Ellen Gallant, MD, Soroosh Kiani, MD, MA, MS, Ujjwal Rastogi, MD, and Bruce Watrous, MD, assistant professors of medicine, and Sanjay Shah, MD, associate professor of medicine, all of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, to the new location. The physicians will provide interventional, electrophysiology, and general cardiology care.

Karthik Varanasi, PhDWelcome Karthik Varanasi, PhD, to Innate Immunity!

We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to the Division of Innate Immunity and Program in Innate Immunity’s newest faculty member, Karthik Varanasi, PhD. 

Dr. Varanasi’s research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms of tissue-specific immune responses, specifically the metabolic and differential state of T cells, the contribution of the metabolic state of tissues on T cell responses, and the gut microbiome and its metabolites on T cell responses. 

Dr. Varanasi joins the Department of Medicine at UMass Chan Medical School after completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences, working with Dr. Susan Kaech. He earned his PhD in genome science and technology from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. 

Pictured above: Drs. Anil Chandraker and Fernando Martinez

Anil Chandraker and Fernando Martinez to be Honored at Special Investiture Ceremony

A Special Investiture Ceremony will be held at UMass Chan later this month to celebrate the newly endowed chairs that were announced earlier this fall.

Among the honorees will be Anil Chandraker, MD, professor of medicine and chief of the Division of Renal Medicine, who was announced as the inaugural holder of the Jack M. Wilson Chair in Biomedical Research, and Fernando Martinez, MD, MS, professor of medicine, academic chief of the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine, and vice chair for clinical and translational research in the Department of Medicine, who was announced as the inaugural holder of the Joseph D. Early Chair in Biomedical Research.

Pranoti MandrekarPranoti Mandrekar Reflects on Impact of Summer Undergraduate Research Program as It Turns 35

This past summer, the Summer Undergraduate Research Program celebrated 35 years at UMass Chan Medical School. The 10-week program offers undergraduate students who are traditionally underrepresented in medicine and biomedical research the opportunity to engage in research and receive mentorship from UMass Chan faculty.

“It has been a privilege and honor to serve as a co-director of the UMass Chan Summer Undergraduate Research Program, which has now been around for 35 years,” said Pranoti Mandrekar, PhD, professor of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology and co-director of the program. “The program provides an incredible environment for undergraduate students to experience hands-on research as well as mentoring and professional development. These opportunities shape the future of our next generation scientists and help them decide their career paths.”

The program launched in 1989 and has been funded by the NIH since 1993. Over 750 students have participated since the NIH funding started with 34 going on to receive degrees from UMass Chan. The recent renewal of this NIH R25 funded program ensures continued support of our future scientists.

Read about the program in UMass Chan News and Notes.

Learn more about the UMass Chan Summer Undergraduate Research Program.

Mingqi Dong and Kate Fitzgerald

Mingqi Dong and Kate Fitzgerald Give an Update on DNA Sensors and their Role in Autoinflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases in Nature Immunology

In a new paper, Fiachra Humphries, PhD, in collaboration with Dr. Shuo Yang of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Personalized Cancer Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, China, review the emerging roles of mitochondrial ECSIT in immunity and cancer in Trends in Cell Biology.

Fiachra Humphries, PhDFiachra Humphries, PhD, Reviews the Emerging Roles of Mitochondrial ECSIT Immunity and Cancer in Trends in Cell Biology

In a new paper, Fiachra Humphries, PhD, in collaboration with Dr. Shuo Yang of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Personalized Cancer Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, China, review the emerging roles of mitochondrial ECSIT in immunity and cancer in Trends in Cell Biology.

Neal Silverman, PhDNeil Silverman Explores the Relationship Between Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) and Sleep Regulation, Memory Formation, and Traumatic Brain Injury in Neurodegenerative Diseases in Recent Review in Trends in Neurosciences

Neal Silverman, PhD, in collaboration with Drs. Soojin Lee and Fen-Biao Gao of the UMass Chan RNA Therapeutics Institute, explore the relationship between antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and sleep regulation, memory formation, as well as traumatic brain injury in neurodegenerative diseases in their recent review in Trends in Neurosciences.

Members of the Department of Medicine Participate in UMass Cancer Walk

Members of the Department of Medicine at the UMass Cancer Walk

Members of the Department of Medicine, UMass Chan/UMMH, and the greater community gathered this past Sunday at Polar Park for the UMass Cancer Walk. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, walked, donated, and/or supported the event in whatever way you were able to. Your generosity directly supports adult and pediatric cancer research and care, and clinical trials of new, potentially lifesaving therapies taking place at UMass Chan Medical School!

Members of the Division of Rheumatology "Lace Up" for Lupus

Faculty and staff in the Division of Rheumatology and the Lupus Center gathered on Sunday, September 15, 2024, for the 32nd Annual Lace Them Up for Lupus Walk on the Charles River in Boston, Massachusetts, where the team participated in the race and shared the clinical trials and work of the UMass Chan Lupus Center. 

Richard Leslie and Geeda Maddaleni Join Internal Medicine Residency Leadership

Left to right: Drs. Leslie and Maddaleni

The Internal Medicine Residency is excited to announce the addition of two faculty members to the residency leadership team. Richard Leslie, MD, assistant professor of medicine, has been named associate program director and will lead the Blackstone Firm. Geeda Maddaleni, MD, assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Hospital Medicine, has been named master clinical educator for the Tatnuck Firm.

Dr. Leslie graduated from UMass Chan Medical School in 2016. He also completed his Internal Medicine Residency at UMass Chan, where he served as chief resident from 2019 to 2020 during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the past two years, Dr. Leslie has been the master clinical educator for the Tatnuck Firm. He has also been instrumental in updating the goals and objectives of core resident rotations, assisting in the planning and development of the residency’s new 3+2 schedule, and serving as a core faculty member in the Medical Education Track. During his time as an MCE, Dr. Leslie has been enrolled at the Harvard Macy Institute for Educators in Health Professions.

Dr. Maddaleni graduated from UMass Chan Medical School in 2017 and completed her Internal Medicine Residency at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. During her residency, Dr. Maddaleni was enrolled in Beth Israel’s Clinician Educator Track. Since joining UMass Memorial as a hospitalist in 2020, she has been actively involved in medical education, including serving as a clinical care pathway leader in the medical school, a core faculty mentor in the Internal Medicine Residency’s Medical Education Track, and as a coach in the ITE/ABIM Board Prep program.

Please join us in welcoming Drs. Leslie and Maddaleni! 

Douglas Golenbock Celebrated at Innate Immunity Day 2024

Photos from Innate Immunity Day 2024

Invited speakers, colleagues, trainees, and life-long friends shared lighthearted memories and stories of scientific excellence as Dr. Golenbock was celebrated at the annual innate immunity meeting.   

With a shiny new conference room in the New Education and Research Building and rotating digital photo memories as its backdrop, Innate Immunity Day 2024 was held on Friday, July 26. Attendees heard from an outstanding lineup of speakers who honored the distinguished work of Douglas Golenbock, MD, the Neil and Margery Blacklow Chair in Infectious Diseases and Immunology, professor of medicine, division chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, and co-director of the Program in Innate Immunity.  

The day wrapped with comments from Dr. Golenbock who gave thanks to all who spoke and attended, and shared that this celebration did not mean he was retiring!   

Read the story on our website.

UMass Chan News: Convocation 2023: Chancellor Collins celebrates symphony of collaboration at UMass Chan
Department of Medicine News: Researcher Spotlight: Douglas Golenbock 

Madona Azar, MD, MPHMadona Azar Explores How Diabetes and Obesity Can Increase Risk of Developing Liver Disease 

Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) is a term used to describe conditions related to a build-up of fat in the liver. MASLD affects 1 out of 4 people worldwide, and in those with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, or all of the above, it affects 3 out of 4 individuals.  

In an article published last week in The Conversation, Madona Azar, MD, MPH, associate professor of medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, discusses why it is important for patients to understand their risk of developing MASLD so that it can be effectively treated.

Read the article.

Jerry Gurwitz, MDJerry Gurwitz Examines Critical Topic of Looming Geriatrician Shortage

Jerry Gurwitz, MD, the Dr. John Meyers Professor of Primary Care Medicine and professor of medicine in the Division of Geriatric Medicine recently authored an opinion article for STAT where he contemplated, as an aging geriatrician, “Who will care for me?”

In the article, Dr. Gurwitz, who served as chief of the Division of Geriatric Medicine for over twenty years, reflects on what led him to practice geriatric medicine and writes that although we have a rapidly growing aging population in the United States, the number of health care professionals who have been trained to care for older adults is declining. He goes on to explore some of the reasons for this decline emphasizing that lower compensation and less prestige are not the only things to blame. He concludes by discussing national efforts to promote improvement in the care of older adults but cautions that even these efforts are not adequately preparing our health care system and its workforce for the impact of what’s to come. 

Read the article.

Resident and Fellow Poster Day 2024 - Winners 

Victor Acosta-Rivera, MD, PGY3, presents his award-winning poster

Victor Acosta-Rivera, MD, PGY3, presents his award-winning poster

Trainees presented their research, quality improvement work, and clinical vignettes at the Department of Medicine’s annual Resident and Fellow Poster Day on Thursday, May 23. Listed below are this year’s winners. Thank you to all who participated and showcased their exceptional work! 


1st Place: Maria Khouri, MD, PGY1, and Shyam Patel, MD, PhD

Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) in patients with myeloid malignancies harboring cohesin complex gene mutations 

2nd Place: Dhruval Amin, MD, PGY3, Katherine Cooper, MD, PGY2, Garrick Gu, MD, PGY2, Ami Patel, DO, PGY1, Prashanth Rau, MD, Navine Nasser-Ghodsi, MD, Neil Marya, MD
Endoscopic Gallbladder Therapy is not more risky with cirrhosis than without: A multicenter study 

3rd Place: Jason Core, MD, PGY1, Milka Koupenova, PhD
PAMP associated thromboinflammatory transcript changes in platelets and leukocytes during COVID-19 infection 

Quality Improvement: 

1st Place: Anthony Bilotta, MD, PhD, PGY1, Paula Anzenberg, MD, PGY2, David Viscido, MD, PGY3, Maria Khouri, MD, PGY1, Meghna Trivedi, MD, Prince Philip, MD
Optimizing note writing in internal Medicine  

2nd Place: Ami Patel, DO, PGY1, Katherine Cooper, MD, PGY2, Adil Fazir, Meghna Trivedi, MD, Deepika Devuni, MD
Improving 30 days readmission rates in patients with cirrhosis after spontaneous bacterial peritonitis

3rd Place (TIE): Victor Acosta-Rivera, MD, PGY3, Ganeev Singh, MD, PGY1, Maria Garcia, MD, PhD, Jeevarathna Subramanian, MD
Lost in translation: Improving outpatient appointment encounters in patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) 

Bridget Yang, MD, PGY2, Benyamin Yaniv, MD, PGY2, Chase Foster-Spence, MD, PGY2, Jaewon Lee, MD, PGY1, Geoffrey Matthes, MD, PGY1, Nneka Onwubueke, MD
Who are all these people in my room? Identifying providers 

Clinical Vignette: 

1st Place (TIE): Tyler Ryan, MD, PGY3, Minesh Nandi, MD, Hematology/Oncology fellow, Prateek Shukla, MD
Neuroendocrine tumor disguised as uncontrolled diabetes 

Katherine Sadaniantz, MD, PGY3, George Ciociolo, MD, PGY4, Jeannine Jeha, MD, Cardiovascular Medicine fellow, Bryan Dolan, MD, Cardiovascular Medicine fellow, Brigid McKenna Carlson, MD, Dennis Tighe, MD
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome secondary to clopidogrel use 

2nd Place: Hima Doppalapudi, MD, Renal Medicine fellow, Sai Doppalapudi, Matthew Niemi, MD
Hyponatremia in Pre-eclampsia

3rd Place: Harris Feldman, MD, Med-Ped PGY4, Michael Newstein, MD, PhD, Ajay Batra, MD
A case of acute liver failure due to disseminated varicella-zoster virus infection diagnosed at a community medical center

Hawa Abu, MD, PhD, MPHHawa Abu Receives Recognition for Excellence in Patient Care 

Hawa Abu, MD, PhD, MPH, a Geriatric Medicine fellow who will join the division as faculty this summer, recently received recognition for her excellent patient care. In a letter, the patient commented on Dr. Abu’s extraordinary care, clinical skills, empathy, and holistic approach.  

“I am very honored to be a part of the UMass Chan Geriatric Medicine Division and the privilege of caring for my patients and their caregivers,” said Dr. Abu. “It is very rewarding to have such wonderful feedback from my patients as I strive to provide holistic care of the mind, body, and spirit; and hopefully improve their overall well-being.”

Congratulations on this recognition, Dr. Abu!  

Related: Hawa Ozien Abu featured as April Fellow Spotlight