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Ambulatory Affairs

Putting our patients at the center of all we do

A message from Deborah Blazey-Martin, MD, MPH, Vice Chair for Ambulatory Affairs

Deborah Blazey-Martin, MD, MPHI am delighted to welcome you to learn more about ambulatory services in the Department of Medicine. The diverse divisions in the department maintain active outpatient services at UMass Memorial Medical Center, UMass Memorial Hospital, and various practices across Central Massachusetts, in addition to performing procedures and providing consultation on our inpatient units.

As an academic medical center, we strive to provide our patients with the most innovative and effective medical care available.  Our ambulatory practices use cutting-edge technology to provide as much care in the home as possible and to communicate with each other in a patient-centered, team-based collaborative model of care.

Our physicians and advanced practitioners offer outstanding ambulatory services combined with compassionate patient-centered care in our Benedict Internal Medicine and Tri-River Primary Care practices as well as our subspecialties including:

Our specialists also offer a variety of embedded services at Benedict Internal Medicine (University Campus) and Tri-River Family Health Center in Uxbridge, Massachusetts. 

I invite you read below to learn more about ambulatory services in the Department of Medicine. 

Deborah Blazey-Martin, MD, MPH

Academic excellence: 

Because our practices are embedded within a large academic medical center, our ambulatory providers can enjoy professional growth opportunities outside of their clinical practice, including as physician-educators. Many of our providers are integrally involved in teaching tomorrow’s physicians as part of undergraduate and graduate medical courses and programs at UMass Chan Medical School. Our practices provide opportunities for our residents and fellows to learn through longitudinal care of patients throughout their training. Our Categorical Internal Medicine residents provide primary care to patients in our CMG practices, at Tri-River Medical Group, and the Benedict IM practice. The Department of Medicine also supports an Internal Medicine Primary Care Residency Track entirely housed in the Division of General Internal Medicine on-site at Benedict Internal Medicine and the Clinical Informatics Fellowship that spans multiple clinical divisions and fellowships in our subspecialty disciplines with associated clinic responsibilities. 

Multidisciplinary Primary Care programs: 

Our primary care physicians are engaged in several multidisciplinary programs in which they coordinate care with colleagues from across the institution to improve the quality of care for our patients. These programs include:

  • Integrated Behavioral Health
  • Weight Management Program
  • Outpatient-Based Addiction Treatment
  • Transitions Of Care Program
  • Osteoporosis/Bone Health
  • Veteran-Centered Care Clinic
  • Embedded Specialties:
    • Benedict - rheumatology, dermatology
    • Tri-River - endocrine/diabetes, cardiology, sports medicine, pediatric specialties, plastic surgery

Ambulatory change management and innovation:

At UMass Chan Medical School and UMMH, we pride ourselves on providing the best possible care for patients in Central Massachusetts. To do so, we run the operationally focused Department Ambulatory Working Group (DAWG) and an Ambulatory Strategy Committee looking toward the future and how we provide outpatient care across the Divisions in the Department of Medicine. In addition, we are committed to increasing the impact of our digital strategy programs including home monitoring and our Virtual Primary Care Bridge Clinic.