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Garrick Gu

Date published: November 27, 2023

December Resident Spotlight: Garrick Gu, MD

 In this month’s Resident Spotlight, we highlight Garrick Gu, MD, a second-year Internal Medicine resident. Here, Dr. Gu describes his clinical and research interests, his involvement with groups on campus, and his favorite place to eat in Worcester! 

Amherst, Massachusetts (Representing Western Massachusetts!) 

What are your clinical and research interests? 
I’ve been interested in Gastroenterology since starting my medicine residency. In MS4, I had a great month with the UMass GI group and since then I’ve been hooked. The UMass GI doctors are an amazing group of physicians who are very invested in advancing the field, and I’ve always hoped to be a part of that process. I’ve been working on GI research since coming back to UMass as a PGY2. My main project is focusing on the impact of social determinants of health on inflammatory bowel disease with my PI Dr. Johan Boneschansker, working together with Dr. Ana Maldonado-Contreras’ basic science lab to create a registry of IBD patients in the Worcester area, which has a great diversity of people and many of whom are underserved by our current medical system. I’m also very passionate about medical education and I am blessed to be a senior to wonderful interns and medical students at UMass.  

Are you involved in any other groups or activities at UMass that you’d like to highlight?  
I am a proud member of the UMass Clostridium Difficile committee, which is committed to preventing hospital acquisition of this terrible disease and setting clinical practice guidelines to ensure prevention. The work they’ve put in so far is astounding, and I hope to continue to contribute in whatever way I can. 

I would also love to highlight the UMass Procedure service, led by Drs. Devine and Leslie. It exemplifies the commitment of all UMass providers to gain and perfect their hands-on techniques to facilitate timely care. The service is also creating more well-rounded physicians with stronger physical exam skills and knowledge about all aspects of patient care. They have made UMass truly a home for me, and I would not be where I am today without the service.  

Lastly, a shout-out to my Blackstone firm! The UMass firms are an excellent way of creating unity and community within the residency.  

What makes UMass a great place for your residency? 
The people! UMass Nursing and Allied Health always go above and beyond for their patients, and I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am for their commitment to teamwork and collaboration (seriously, there is a reason they come first on this list, I love them). The chief residents and the program director have always had my back. The students and residents are also so impressive in their dedication to their patients and their communities, always reaching out to family members and communities to promote health equity and quality care. 

Favorite hobbies? 
Most days after work you can find me in the gym or backpacking in the summertime. I’m trying to prepare for next year’s Highland Games (caber toss, weight over bar, etc). Additionally, I eat food on a competitive level, with several local records so far, and aspirations of taking my art to the next level. I am also a big fan of video games, having recently finished two Cyberpunk 2077 playthroughs, as well as Starfield. I’m also trying to improve on my two long-time instruments: the bagpipes and piano. My hope is to start booking some gigs, let me know if you have anything coming up. Lastly, my wife and I just moved into Worcester Academy as dorm faculty, and I love being part of that community! 
Favorite thing to do in Worcester/Worcester area? 
The restaurant scene is incredible. I have a favorite for just about every kind of food, and usually several back-ups. My favorite place is Red Pepper, the most authentic Chinese food outside of Flushing, NY. Order something off the house special menu (or secret menu only in Chinese), I promise you (most likely) will not be disappointed. Worcester also has amazing hiking spots and lots of fun spots in the city, like the Free Play arcade.