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Structural Determination of the Broadly Reactive Anti-IGHV1-69 Anti-idiotypic Antibody G6 and Its Idiotope

Anti-idiotypic antibodies are those that bind to other antibodies with critical implications for response to infection and vaccination. In this work, structural modeling and analysis helped explain experimentally observed specificity and reactivity of the anti-idiotypic antibody G6, which binds to anti-influenza stem-directed broadly neutralizing antibodies.

Avnir, Y.; Prachanronarong, K.L.; Zhang, Z.; Hou, S.; Peterson, E.C.; Sui, J.; Zayed, H.; Kurella, V.B.; McGuire, A.T.; Stamatatos, L.; Hilbert, B.J.; Bohn, M.-F.; Kowalik, T.F.; Jensen, J.D.; Finberg, R.W.; Wang, J.P.; Goodall, M.; Jefferis, R.; Zhu, Q.; Kurt Yilmaz, N.*; Schiffer, C.A.*; Marasco, W.A.* Structural Determination of the Broadly Reactive Anti-IGHV1-69 Anti-idiotypic Antibody G6 and Its Idiotope” Cell Reports, Vol. 21, Iss. 11, pp. 3243-3255 (2017). (*joint corresponding author)